Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Bible Challenge: Day 219

The scriptures read are Isaiah 10-12, Psalm 29 and 2 Thessalonians 1.

Isaiah 10. God condemns those who legislate evil, who make laws that make the poor suffer and take away their dignity. That's a good yardstick for a law: does this make it harder and more humiliating for the poor? Those who think God isn't into social justice might want to start shopping for another god.

God chose Assyria to punish Israel but Assyria wants to destroy the Israelites. And in its arrogance, Assyria chalks up its successes to itself. Now God will punish the punisher. Don't worry: Assyria's ascendancy will not last.

Isaiah 11. Another famous Messianic prophesy. Can't read these without thinking of Handel's Messiah. Can't find this one on video, though.

Or the passage about the lion and the lamb and all the predators and prey together without thinking of Edward Hicks' painting "The Peaceable Kingdom." And a little child shall lead them. God predicts a time when violence shall cease. All nations shall seek God and God's people will return from exile.

Isaiah 12. A psalm-like song of praise to a forgiving and saving God.

Psalm 29. A cosmic video for a cosmic psalm, found here. By way of contrast, here is a spirited version by the Cleveland Jewish Community Chorus.

2 Thessalonians 1. Paul is thankful for the Thessalonian church. They are doing splendidly despite the persecution. They can take hope in the fact that when Christ returns, justice will be done.

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