Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Bible Challenge: Day 34

The scriptures read are Exodus 37-39, Psalm 29, and Mark 2.

Exodus 37-39. More recapping of the actual making of the tabernacle furnishings and vestments. There is an inventory that gives us the amount of gold, silver and bronze used. If you wish to skim these chapters rather than read them, I can forgive you. Seriously, I can. I'm a priest.

Psalm 29. A majestic psalm that builds and builds, seeing God in natural phenomena and hearing in voice in storms, thunders, earthquakes. I would love to hear a dramatic reading of this.

Mark 2. Mark shows Jesus to have mastery over everything--disease, demons and debates. A lot of the latter here. The Pharisees have drawn a bright line between good people and bad people. Jesus blurs that line by making bad people good and making the so-called good people look bad. And how is he able to turn the tables on the Pharisees time and again? He knows his Bible, that's how!

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