I love survival
books. Not the ones about living in a bunker and fighting off the
hordes of looters that will come when the government either collapses
or reveals itself to be SPECTRE only worse. I mean the ones that give
you tips on what to do if you are ever in a flood or in a fire or
trapped in rubble after an earthquake or lost in the wilderness,
stuff that, however infrequent, could actually happen to you. I do
have one of the Worst Case Scenario books that does deal with
improbable events like avoiding a stampede such as the running of the
bulls or how to escape from a plummeting helicopter, but that's just
for fun. I've also got the Disaster Preparedness Handbook, a
very practical tome that gives common sense advice on dealing with
disasters you are likely to encounter, such as hurricanes for those
of us living in southern Florida.
I also like
reading true stories of people surviving extreme events, such as Lost
on a Mountain in Maine, in which Donn Fendler tells how, when 12
years old, he got separated from his scout troop and spent nearly 2
weeks surviving the cold, hunger, encounters with bears and
hallucinations. He credits his scout training and faith in God with
helping him make it. I devoured Unbroken, the story of how
Olympic runner Louis Zamperini, who was part of a bomber crew in
World War 2, survived a crash in the Pacific ocean, spent 3 months
in a life raft and finally endured being captured and tormented by a
Japanese officer while a POW. Again faith ultimately saves him.
What I get from
these books is (1) practical advice on, say, what to do if a dog
attacks, which did happen to me, (2) vicarious thrills from the
adventures, of course, and (3) encouragement. I figure if someone can
survive being mauled by a bear, or being trapped in a mine, or being
in a concentration camp, I can surely deal with the less-than-dire problems I
am currently facing.
The Bible is
not exactly a survival book. It is actually a library of books but
they do comprise a treasure trove of spiritual as well as practical
wisdom that for thousands of years has helped people survive anything
life throws at them. And that's because it has elements that you also
find in survival books.
In U.S.
Military Survival Manual FM 21-76, the word “survival” is used as
a mnemonic device for those in a crisis situation. So
“S” stands for “Size up the situation.” In other
words, take note of your surroundings, what your physical condition
is and what equipment you have. I would add that you also ought to
take into account what your emotional or psychological condition is
and, because we are talking about the Bible, your spiritual state.
The psalms often tell us a lot about the condition of the individuals who wrote each. Some were composed in times of turmoil and stress. The
person may be physically ill, socially isolated, psychologically
stressed and at a spiritual low point.
The frankness
of the psalms is why I think folks prize them so much. Psalm 42:9-11
says, “I say to God, my Rock, 'Why have you forgotten me? Why must
I go about mourning, oppressed by the enemy? My bones suffer mortal
agony as foes taunt me, saying to me all day long, 'Where is your
God?'” When things are going badly for us, especially when we are
suffering, we do get tormented by doubts. Is God punishing us?
Ignoring us? Is he even there? The Bible lets us know that it is not
a sin to feel that way. And indeed people have done spiritual damage
to themselves because they felt that as a Christian, they had to
always be upbeat and pretend that everything was well with them.
Expressing doubts are especially forbidden. And the cognitive
dissonance of denying reality defeats them.
But the Bible
values honesty, even when we reveal unpleasant or even ugly things
about ourselves. Psalm 37, written during the Jews' Babylonian exile,
concludes with “O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy
is he who repays you for what you have done to us—he who seizes
your infants and dashes them against the rocks.” It's
understandable for a oppressed people to feel this way but it is one
of the grislier passages in the Bible. Mind you, the psalmist doesn't
say God should do this. It is a descriptive passage, revealing his
mood, not a prescriptive passage for us to follow.
The equipment
check is obviously important for the person likely to encounter
physical danger. Someone about to hike into the wilderness should see
if his equipment is working properly. When you are in a spiritual
crisis, what you need to do is tally up your assets. That would
include your talents and strengths but also your weaknesses.
Again the hiker should check that, say, his canteen doesn't leak.
Other major assets to consider are your family, your friends, your
church, your pastor and God. Believe me, I needed them all to get
through my medical ordeal psychologically and spiritually intact.
“U' stands
for “Use all your senses, Undue haste makes waste.” The first
line of the paragraph that follows reads, “You may make a wrong
move when you react quickly without thinking or planning.” Contrary
to what its critics say, the Bible is big on thinking things through.
Jesus told us to “count the cost” before following him. He began
many of his parables by saying, “What do you think?” And indeed
Jesus often asked disconcertingly difficult-to-answer questions which
left the crowds with lots to think about.
It helps to be
thinking about the right things. Paul says, “Finally, brothers,
whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is pure, whatever
is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if
there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” (Philippians 4:8) Since my accident, I have had to change my viewing habits. I like
dark documentaries and dramas. But for my mental and spiritual health
I have to restrict my consumption of them, especially at night before
bed, because otherwise negative thoughts and images dominate my
dreams. I need time focusing on more uplifting and encouraging
matters. We all need to look up from the grind of daily life at
regular intervals and take in the vista and the bigger picture. And
we need to use both our senses and our good sense to lay out what we
should do next.
“R” is
for “Remember where you are.” The manual suggests using a map
and a compass to figure out where you are, especially in relation to
enemy units and enemy controlled areas, friendly units and areas they
control, local water sources and places to conceal yourself.
Spiritually, if you are in a crisis, you need to get your bearings.
Consider whether you are in a place, either physically or
psychologically, that is hostile to you and your continued spiritual
health and growth. If you have a problem with, say, alcohol, bars and
liquor stores are not where you should be. If you have problems with
self-esteem or anger management or depression, you may need to stay
away from places and people that are consistent sources of drama or
trauma. A battered spouse, for instance, may need to find another
place to live, somewhere that is friendly and controlled by those
with her welfare in mind.
And look for
places of refreshment and places where you can lie low for a while.
Again, these can be mental spaces where you can relax and recuperate,
aided by a book or music or an activity that revives you. Use
centering prayer. Let God's Spirit guide you to the place where you
need to be. Psalm 43 says, “Send forth your light and your truth,
let them guide me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the
place where you dwell.”
“V” is
for “Vanquish fear and panic.” The manual says that if fear
and panic are uncontrolled, “they can destroy your ability to make
an intelligent decision. They may cause you to react to your feelings
and imagination rather than to your situation. These emotions can
drain your energy...” Remember what we just read a few weeks ago in
2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of
power and of love and of self-control.” Hold onto the fact that God
is powerful, that he loves us and that he will help us keep control
of ourselves. When you sense feelings of fear and anxiety come, say,
“Not now.” Psalm 55:22 says, “Cast your cares on the Lord and
he will sustain you.” I have asked God to take my anxiety upon
himself so I can think clearly and act decisively. I cannot serve him
or anyone else if I am plagued by worries that fog up my thinking and
leave me too exhausted to do anything. In Philippians 4:6-7, Paul
says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by
prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made
known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all
understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
The antidote to fear is faith—trust in God and in his promises.
“I” is
for “Improvise.” Stephen Colbert explains the secret to doing
improv comedy is to say, “Yes! And....” In other words you must
say “Yes” to whatever the premise or your improv partner says. If
you are doing a Harlequin romance scene and your partner says,
“Godzilla just rose from the sea," you can't reject that. You say,
“Yes! And he's dancing the cha-cha!”
We need to
accept whatever reality God has presented to us and then go with it,
willing to improvise in the same spirit he has given us. And Jesus
liked to flip the script. “When someone strikes you on the right
cheek...” the expected response is to hit him back. But Jesus says,
“...turn to him the other also.” (Matt 5:39) Jesus wants us to
zig where others zag. For instance, there are way too many animals in
shelters that do not get adopted. One Uber driver puts puppies in his
back seat. His customers often fall in love with them during their
ride and end up adopting them. That is a creative solution to a
persistent problem. Then there is the woman who has designed coats
that become sleeping bags for homeless people. And she hires homeless
people to make them. Some companies are making edible packaging for
food so that we don't make more waste when we eat. I really wish that
Christians were more creative in doing good and show people that we
don't have to follow the world's script. We can improvise good things
rather than just fall into the rut of doing the same old thing over
and over and not making the world better.
“V” is
for “Value life.” Odd how the most important things get
forgotten in our busy and cluttered lives. We get distracted and
while away the most basic gift from God, looking at screens and
playing games and being spectators rather than actors in our lives.
Jesus said, “I have come that they might have life and have it
abundantly.” (John 10:10) We may not be in danger of losing our
physical life, as the manual clearly means, but we are in danger of
losing a meaningful life. It is not just acute crises that threaten
us spiritually. The slow and steady deadening of our response to life
is a subtler threat to our spiritual vitality.
That's one
reason that volunteering is so important. People who regularly
volunteer, who dedicate their time and talents to something outside
themselves, tend to experience less loneliness, have lower blood
pressure, stay mentally sharp and live longer. But it only works if
they are truly altruistic, doing it for others and not for
themselves. Jesus was right again; it is more blessed to give
than to receive. (Acts 20:35)
“A” is
for “Act like the natives.” The manual means if you are in an
unfamiliar land, watch what people eat and drink and even the
animals. (Although animals, especially birds, sometimes eat things
that are toxic to humans.) If the natives are friendly, show interest
in them and respect them and you will learn how to live in that
How does this
apply to us spiritually? Well, you can read and study the field notes
and meditations and lives of those in the Bible, of course. But you
can't directly ask questions of them. So befriend and observe those
who seem the most at home in the kingdom of God. When you encounter
someone who really seems in sync with Jesus and his Spirit, get to
know them and how they deal with life's problems. Adopt what they do
and adapt it to your own circumstances.
Jesus drew his
parables and teachings from the people and plants and animals and
occupations around him. I have learned important spiritual lessons
from the elderly, from the sick, from children and even from jail
inmates. I learn from their different experiences and diverse
perspectives, just as I have a different view of healthcare from
being a patient for several months rather than a nurse. I see helpful
parallels between spiritual and physical health, which I am
addressing in my book.
“L” is
for “Live by your wits, but for now, Learn basic skills.” The
ability to improvise is important but before you do that you need to
learn the basics. Even improv actors learn the basics of acting. They
don't go on stage unprepared. The basics provide the foundation which
your contributions build on.
One real danger
is called the Dunning-Kruger effect, named for two psychologists.
Basically, it describes how people who don't know much about
something overestimate how much they know. In other words, people are
ignorant of exactly how ignorant they are. “How hard can it be?”
says the overconfident but incompetent person. And that can be fatal
in a survival situation. You need to learn the basics of survival at
In the same way
Christians who don't know the basics are spiritually dangerous to
themselves and to others. They mindlessly mouth platitudes to
sufferers when they should be quiet and listen. They assure newly
born-again Christians of things that aren't actually in the Bible,
like “God won't give you more than you can handle.” And if they
believe that themselves, when a major disaster totally upends their
life, they will be bewildered as to why they are suffering so much.
nurses, clergy and most professions require continuing education. So
should Christians. We need to learn more about the Bible, about
theology, about church history and about current events. And we must
always be learning more about Jesus, not just by reading but by
following him as well. We need to learn to trust him. We need to
learn to love one another as he loves us. We need to learn how to be
the body of Christ on earth.
In our New Testament reading, Paul says, “All scripture is inspired by God and is
useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in
righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient,
equipped for every good work.” (2 Tim 3:16, 17) Usually I would
preach on this verse but today I wanted to look at what many people
have testified to for millennia: that at times when they were at
their wits' end, they found the Bible and in it, found how not only
to survive but also to thrive. That's the reason why this 3000 year
old Middle Eastern anthology has itself survived this long when many
other ancient tomes have not, or are only of interest to scholars.
That's the reason why as of 2016, the Bible has been translated into
554 languages and portions of it into 2,932 languages. That is the
reason we are talking about it today. This book changes lives.
Because the written word of God introduces us to the living Word of
God, Jesus, who is the way, the truth and the life and who gives life
in all its abundance.
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