The scriptures referred
to are Mark 7:24-37 and James 2:1-17.
is a sad display going on right now in the social media. Because of
the number of shootings of unarmed African Americans and deaths while
in police custody (11, nearly one a month, in the last year) a
movement called Black Lives Matter has arisen. You see the hashtag
next to stories about such incidents, and even events like the
shooting of 4 pastors and 5 parishioners in a black church by a white
supremacist in Charleston. Basically they are spotlighting the fact
that this happens to blacks an inordinate amount of the time, often
over minor incidents like a broken taillight or an incomplete stop.
some have apparently interpreted the hashtag to imply that other
lives don't matter. So we see the hashtag Blue Lives Matter
highlighting the gun deaths of cops which was up to 48 in 2014,
though lower than 7 of the last 9 years. (Actually over the last 10
years slightly more officers are killed in incidents with vehicles,
either in accidents or being struck by cars.) And we would be
churlish to deny that law enforcement officers put their lives on the
line daily. But the overwhelming majority of intentional killings of
officers are shootings. The deaths protested in Black Lives Matter
are those of unarmed African American civilians. They were not
killed in shootouts with police. So the two movements are not
focusing on the same phenomenon. They are parallel tragedies. Only
the unreflective see these as some kind of zero sum game.
you were reading a book on violent deaths in America. The passages on
the deaths of unarmed blacks by cops are highlighted in brown
by Black Lives Matter. The passages on the deaths of cops by armed
criminals of all races are highlighted in blue by Blue Lives Matter.
The two don't overlap. You could call the book All Lives Matter, if
you like. But the highlighting is important because each is a serious
problem and needs to be acknowledged and dealt with.
some people apparently think that to acknowledge one of these is to
somehow deny the other. And I see posts on Facebook that make it seem
like it's some kind of competition between which group has the most
victims or lack of media attention. If so then women would win this
grim contest because between 1000 and 1600 die every year due to
domestic violence. If we highlighted those passages in pink, there
were be twenty times more pink passages in our book than blue or brown.
not a competition. There's no reason we can't admit that all 3 are
major problems that need to be addressed and that each calls for a
different set of preventive measures.
the brother of Jesus and the head of the church in Jerusalem, was
dismayed at seeing discrimination in the body of Christ. Deferential
treatment was being given to the wealthier members of the church. The
poor were being treated as an afterthought. And that was not right.
people were distorting Paul's teaching of salvation by grace through
faith to mean that one did not have to do any good works after
being saved either. That's like thinking after you got a liver
transplant you don't have to change your habits and can go back to
drinking all night. The purpose of salvation is to save you from what
you become without God. We cannot save ourselves by good works but
only by the action of God in Christ. But once saved we do good works
for the same reason a person who had life-giving surgery adopts
healthy habits. To do otherwise is to go against the very reason you
needed to be restored in the first place.
is saying that if you really have faith in God, you will act in love,
just as if you are following doctor's post-op orders, your blood
pressure should be normal, your heart beat should be steady and you
should be able to exercise again. If not, something's wrong for those are symptoms of good health. If you accepted the riches of God's grace and love to save your
life, you should be sharing those blessings in concrete ways with others. If not, there's something wrong for those are symptoms of spiritual health. Love impels
us to help those we love. As Christians we are to love our enemies,
our neighbors and each other in the body of Christ. A person saved by
Jesus should be unable to let anyone starve or go cold.
have a lot of problems in this country that are failures of
compassion. Treating people differently based on things like race,
economic status, what country they come from, what gender they
identify with, what gender they love, or anything else is not
Christian. Jesus didn't decide he would die for some people but not
others. He died for all. (2 Corinthians 5:15) Which means he hasn't
written anyone off and neither can we.
fact when Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount, “Do not judge so
that you will not be judged,” the Greek word krino can also
mean “condemn” and “sentence.” So Jesus is telling us not to
condemn or pass a verdict on someone. We do not know the whole story
on anyone; only God does. This doesn't mean we can't judge actions,
words or thoughts as being good or bad, spiritually healthy or
unhealthy. And I think it is legitimate to point out actual
contradictions between what people say and what they do, as Jesus
did. But we cannot see into people's hearts or futures or know all
the experiences that shaped them for good or ill. Their ultimate fate
is God's alone to determine.
is why prejudice is bad. It is bad reasoning and it is immoral. To
look at someone and judge them by their color, their gender, their
clothing, their culture, their language, their religion, their
apparent wealth or lack of it, where they live or where they came
from is wrong. As God says to Samuel, “Man looks at the outward
appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)
fact the whole Bible consists of story after story in which God uses
unlikely people to do his will. He picks an old man and his
post-menopausal wife to be the ancestors of his people. He chooses the
second son who is essentially a conman to father the 12 tribes of
Israel. He chooses a slave in prison to save a nation from famine. He
chooses a stutterer to be his spokesman before Pharaoh. He chooses a
prostitute to help his people bring down the walls of Jericho. He
chooses a man who breaks his vows to defeat the Philistines. He
chooses a womanizing shepherd to be king of Israel. He chooses the
fiance of a poor carpenter to bear his son. He chooses a hotheaded
fisherman to lead his apostles. He uses a zealous pure-blooded
Pharisee to bring his message to the Gentiles. Abraham, Jacob,
Joseph, Moses, Rahab, Samson, David, Mary, Peter and Paul were not
the people we would choose to do God's will. God saw in them things we
would not have seen. So much for prejudice.
today's gospel, Jesus deals with 2 people that most folks would write
off. I want to deal with the deaf and mute man first before we get to
the trickier story of the Gentile woman.
was in the Decapolis,which simply means the Ten Towns. It is a
largely pagan area to the east of the Jordan River. And even here
people have heard of his healings. So they bring him a man who can
neither hear or speak. Or perhaps he cannot speak very clearly, for
that's what the Greek implies. And if he could speak but not
well, that means he may have been able to hear at some point but lost
his hearing, perhaps as a child. The only reason Helen Keller could learn to speak was that she lost her hearing (and sight) at age of 19 months.
In fact the breakthrough for her came when she connected the
sensation of feeling water and the spoken word for it she learned
before her illness with the finger signs her teacher Anne Sullivan
made into her hand. That's why when Jesus healed him, the man was
able to speak. He had heard words before he lost his hearing.
problem is that Jesus was not a magician. He did not mumble magic
words or use magic items to heal. He healed those who trusted him.
Faith in him was the key element which is why he was not able to heal
many in his hometown. They could not stop looking at him as the kid
who grew up among them and see him instead as God's anointed. But how
is Jesus to communicate with a deaf man and let him know what he
intended to do so the man could put his faith in him?
adapts to the situation. He meets the man at his level and mimes what
he is going to do. He puts his fingers in the man's ears, first
stopping and then unstopping them to let him know he is going to
heal them. Then he spat, that is, made something come out of his mouth, and
touched his finger to the man's tongue, letting him know that soon
things will be coming out of the afflicted man's mouth and off his
tongue. Jesus then looks up to heaven and sighs dramatically, letting the man know that his
healing is coming from God. He says, “Be opened,” not in a
secret, magic language, but in Aramaic, his everyday language.
man gets Jesus' meaning and reacts, talking clearly for the first
time in ages. He hears the ambient noise of the world, Jesus' feet
shifting on the floor, his own voice speaking. He hears Jesus tell
him not to publicize this but, hey, now that this marvelous thing has
happened to him and he can talk once more, how can he keep silent?
And everyone is amazed.
what does this have to do with prejudice? Those who were deaf were
classified with other groups like women, slaves, minors and the
mentally ill as people not educated enough to keep the law. This man
was probably treated at best as one does a developmentally disabled
child, not as an adult able to think and make decisions for himself.
Now he could be fully a part of the community. He could go to the
temple and not be excluded as imperfect. Jesus showed how fluid and
superficial the categories between acceptable and unacceptable are.
let's go to the story that immediately proceeds the healing of the
deaf man. But before that let us remember last week's gospel. Jesus
essentially says that what goes into you, including non-Kosher foods,
doesn't make you unclean. He says it is what is comes out of us, out
of our hearts, our sinful intentions turned into immoral words and
works, that make us unclean.
Jesus is in a largely pagan area, the region of Tyre. A Gentile woman
comes to him. She is Syrophoenician, meaning she comes from the same
stock as evil Queen Jezebel. Furthermore, she comes from an area with
heavy Greek influence. She could well have shrines to Zeus and other
gods in her home. She is by definition unclean.
asks Jesus to heal her daughter. Now Jesus had just said that
externals don't make you unclean, only what is in your heart. He is
not a pagan magician. He needs her to trust him. But how does he find
out what is in her heart? How does he see if she truly has faith in
him and in the true God?
says, “Let the children be fed first, for it is not fair to take
the children's food and throw it to the dogs.” Jesus is probably
quoting a popular proverb here. Jews did not, despite what some say,
routinely call Gentiles dogs. True, dogs were seen as scavengers by the
Jews, but Greek influenced households kept them as pets. So the woman
would have heard this differently. Even pets are not fed before the
children and the children's food is not first offered to the pets.
is saying that the primary focus of his ministry, with its fast
approaching end, is the children of Israel. God has spent a lot of
time working with his people, laying down the foundation of what kind
of God he is—just but merciful, gracious and loving, the one who
provided Abraham with the sacrifice in place of Isaac, and who
inspired Isaiah to speak of his servant whose suffering brings
healing to others. And yet God's people are still slow in picking up
who Jesus is and what he is doing, despite all the prophesies in the
Hebrew scriptures and all the healings he has done. He has to work with them further. The disciples,
his future apostles, will be sent to the Gentiles. And they are, by
the way, listening to this exchange. They are probably scandalized by
the woman's presence in this house. Jesus needs them to see what is
in her heart as well, if they are to get even an inkling of what
Jesus meant by what is and is not unclean.
the woman could have given up after hearing what Jesus said. She
could have just dismissed Jesus as a stubborn Jew and accepted the
cosmic unfairness of the Jewish God. But she is a mother. A mother
with a sick child. She is not done yet. She still has hope and she is
persistent, something Jesus admires in people coming to God for help.
takes what Jesus said and wryly extents the logic of the proverb.
True, we don't feed our pets in lieu of feeding our children. But the
pets get the crumbs that drop from the childrens' table. In fact, if
her situation is anything like what I've seen with my little ex-patient and with my granddaughter, the kids deliberately drop food to the animals to see them feed.
You put a kid in a high chair and if there are dogs in the house,
they will crowd around the high chair, worshipfully and attentively
waiting for manna to drop from heaven in the form of tater tots,
green beans, bread and if they are lucky, meat. Dogs aren't picky,
just grateful.
other point. The woman addresses Jesus as kurios, “Lord”
in Greek. Now it could also be translated “sir” as our lectionary
does. But the fact is that in Mark's gospel, nobody, not even the
disciples, call Jesus “Lord”--except this woman.
sees that the woman has faith. Instead of leaving and going to some
pagan temple to ask some other deity to heal her daughter, she sticks
with Jesus and shows she is putting all her faith in him. And he
replies, “For saying that, you may go— (I wonder if she was
worried for a second that he was offended and dismissing her)—the
demon has left your daughter.” (For they believed that illness was
caused by invisible-to-the-eye beings called demons whereas we
believe they are caused by invisible-to-the-eye beings called germs.)
woman made an impression because her story is told not only in Mark,
the earliest gospel, but is repeated in Matthew, a gospel that
appears to have been written to Jewish Christians. She is an example
of finding great faith in the heart of someone you wouldn't have
originally judged to have had it.
is as old as mankind. It may even start in infancy. A recent study
showed that babies have a hard time distinguishing individual faces
in races they haven't encountered. In other words, people of
different races all look alike to them. But babies who have
interacted with people of other races can pick out individual faces
from others of the same race. So experience with people different
from ourselves can help.
quite apart from the fact that God made us all in his image,
we need to get over our racism and jingoism and xenophobia and
parochialism for another reason. We are the dominant species on this
planet. Regardless of how you feel about global warming, it is
impossible for 7 billion beings with loads of scientific know-how and
industrial capabilities not to be affecting our planet in major ways.
We need everyone to cooperate if we are going to keep the earth
habitable. And I mean everyone. Rosalind Franklin, a Jewish woman,
did the crucial research that led to the discovery of the structure
of DNA. Dr. Samuel Kountz, an African American surgeon, performed the
first successful kidney transplant between humans who were not
identical twins and developed the prototype for the machine that can
preserve kidneys for 50 hours so they can be transplanted. It is now
standard equipment in hospitals and labs. Ajay Bhatt, an Indian
American computer architect, was co-inventor of the USB. Dr. Kenneth
Matsumura, a Japanese American scientist, invented the Bio-Artificial
Liver, which buys people with a damaged liver time to get a
transplant. The lithium batteries in your cell phone, PC and iPad
were invented by Rachid Yamazi, a Moroccan and French scientist. The
first total artificial heart was invented by Dr. Domingo Liotta, an
Argentinian cardiac surgeon. And we have WiFi and Bluetooth thanks to
scientific developments made during World War 2 by Austrian American
actress, Hedy Lamarr! Everyone has a gift to share.
world seems to be Balkanizing, devolving into smaller and smaller
groups based on nationality, race, language, culture, and even sexual
preferences and identities. We are so intent on raising the awareness
of all the different varieties of human beings that we are chipping
away at the awareness that we are all one species. Tribalism is
increasing. And as Christians we need to be on the forefront on
bringing people together. Christianity is after all global and is
growing in places like Africa, South America and Asia. According to
the Pew Research Center, 1 in 4 Christians lives in sub-Saharan
Africa and 1 in 8 lives in Asia and the Pacific. The number of Christians in
those two areas is roughly equal to the number of Christians in the
Americas. There is no longer a place that can be called the global
center of Christianity. Which I'm sure is how God wants it to be.
God is
love. God commands us to love one another. So hatred or indifference
to others are anti-Christian. We need to work for justice and
equality and freedom and respect for all. Yes, certain groups that
have been singled out for abuse and injustice need special attention.
But we must see past these superficial characteristics and treat each
other as fellow creatures made in the image of the God who is love.
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