As someone who worked as a radio copywriter and
production director for 20 years, I came to the conclusion that there are 3
categories of motivating emotions: needs, desires and fears. And when
you are creating an ad you have to figure out to which kind of
emotion are you making an appeal. Is it a physical need, like food or
shelter or clothing? Is it a psychological need, like love or a
feeling of belonging or having a defined role in a group or society?
Is it a fear for your physical well-being or that of your family? Is
it a social fear, of embarrassment or exclusion? Or is it a desire?
And here there is a huge range of options. People desire or can be
made to desire nearly anything. And sadly, most of the desires
marketers appeal to are not healthy ones. Many are in fact what the Bible has defined as sins.
Indeed, the 7 deadly sins are practically
a textbook on how to sell products and services. Sloth or laziness is
a good thing to appeal to if you are selling a labor saving device.
Recently the Pepsi Company has come up with a drink that combines the
taste of Mountain Dew and of Doritos chips called Dewitos. That's for
folks who apparently can't be bothered to open both a bottle of soda
and a bag of chips. Or perhaps this is an appeal to gluttony, which
drives our food companies to come up with flavors not found in nature
coupled with addictive snacks that fail to fill us up, lest we stop
when satisfied. Lust is used to sell a lot of products, including
ones that have little to do with sex, like cars and even food. Rage
certainly seems to what political ads are targeting, trying to
convince voters that the other guy is not merely the wrong choice but
is secretly trying to destroy the nation. Greed is a big
motivator, stroking our desire to simply acquire more stuff. And envy
is another, convincing us that we should be dissatisfied with who we
are and what we have and should instead want to be what others are or
have what they have.
What is really incongruous is that one of the biggest
days for buying stuff comes right after the day on which we are
supposed to be thanking God for what we have. In fact for a few years
now a lot of retailers have been opening on Thanksgiving Day,
encouraging people to go from gratitude to greed in a matter of
hours. Or in the case of employees required to work on the holiday,
from enjoying their family to resenting their job.
We live in the richest country in the world. The vast
majority of us make well above the less than $2 a day that most folks
in the Third World must manage on. How often do we stop and thank God
for what we have rather than lament that we don't have everything we
see offered on TV? How often do we express our gratitude to him for
what we are?
Envy in this regard is especially insidious. A lot of
products are marketed to us based on the idea that we are inadequate
because we do not look like the genetic lottery winners who dominate
our entertainment industry. And so we are encouraged to dress like
them, drive the cars they do, use the products they endorse and even
have ourselves surgically altered to look more like them.
Of all of God's gifts to us, the most basic is
ourselves, our bodies and our minds. Like everything else in this
world, he gave us a wide variety. But unlike the array of flowers and
trees and birds and animals, we don't seem to appreciate the variety
of humans God gave us. We act as if we want them all the have the
same color skin or body shape or narrow range of facial features. We
also prefer a narrow range of personalities. We want everyone to be
pleasant and positive and agreeable and funny and no smarter than
ourselves. We want a world of clones and Yes-men. And if we don't
resemble the majority of those around us, we try to change ourselves
rather than appreciate the unique features God has granted us.
One of the things the act of giving thanks can do is
make us aware of how we have been graced with God's gifts. Like your
brain. Your brain gives you a different point of view than anyone else.
You appreciate certain things, notice particular details, have
specific insights that no one else does in the same way. Your sense
of humor, your way of thinking, your way of doing things, the way you
express yourself adds to humanity's perspectives. Thank God for the
uniqueness of your brain.
Today most of us have issues with our bodies. A lot
of that has to do with the bodies our society presents to us as
ideals. And despite the fact that we know that the actors are
carefully made up and lighted, and that the models starve themselves
and are artificially enhanced, and that the athletes have fitness
trainers and performance- and body-enhancing drugs, and that they all
were far above average in the first place, we still secretly wish we
had their faces and bodies. And, yes, the world treats you
differently if you have “good” looks. But people like Abraham
Lincoln and Stephen Hawking and John Adams and Dorothy Hodgkin and
Linus Pauling and Pope John XXIII and loads of other people that
don't look like movie stars have made truly vital contributions to
the world. As Shakespeare said, “there's no art to find the mind's
construction in the face.” A person's worth has little to do with
his looks. Ted Bundy was good-looking; Steve Buscemi is not. Bundy
was a serial killer; film star Buscemi returned the firehouse where
he formerly was a firefighter to pull several 12 hour shifts sifting
the the rubble of the Twin Towers after 9/11. Heroes aren't always
handsome. Thank God for the inner beauty he gave you, whatever the
world thinks of your body and face.
There are lots of other things for which to give God
thanks: friends, family, this church, this community. We thank God
for the beauty of where we live, for the flora and fauna that
surround us, for the water and the generally good weather.
And one of the best ways to thank God is to take care
of the gifts he's given us. We should take care of our brains and not
do things that mess them up, be it drugs or riding a two-wheeled
vehicle without a helmet. We should feed our brains the best stuff,
things that will make us more knowledgeable, wiser and nobler. (Philippians 4:8) We
should similarly not do things that will damage our body and feed it
enough good things to keep it properly nourished and avoid giving it
too much of the salty/sugary/fatty stuff that increases weight and
the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's and sleep
apnea. (Once a year is OK, I guess.)
Let us also take care of those we love, offering
encouragement, empathy, and concrete support. Let us take care of the
world he made and pronounced good, using its resources wisely and
sparingly and allowing them replenish themselves when they can. Let
us use our God-given ingenuity to figure out alternatives to limited
non-renewing resources.
Finally let us give God thanks for his love for us,
shown so clearly in his giving us his son Jesus, our incarnate,
crucified and risen Lord and Savior and in his giving us his Holy
Spirit, so that he is always with us and in us and so that we are
always connected with God. He is the reason we are here together
enjoying fellowship with him and with each other. He gives our lives
direction and meaning. He gives confirmation to our instinct that
love is our highest value and aspiration. He gives us hope that all
that is broken in our lives and our world will be healed and whole in
the end.
Thankgiving has only been an official national
holiday since 1941. But unofficial and regional days of Thanksgiving
go back 300 years, though they were usually daylong fasts and worship
services. But rather than confine it to one day a year we should, as
Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “give thanks in all
circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.” Too
often we concentrate on what we resent, what we regret, what we want.
Making ourselves look for what we have and what we are thankful for
keeps us in the right mind to not only survive but to thrive and stay
positive. That is God's will for us.
Our God is a gracious and giving God. And the very
best way to thank him is to share his gifts, the bounty with which he
has showered us, and the good news of his grace with others. In
Matthew 10:8, Jesus says to his disciples, “Freely you have
received; freely give.” Let us make that our motto from this day
on. Because God has been good to us, let us pass it on. “Freely you
have received; freely give.”
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