Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Only Human

The scripture referred to is Nehemiah 8-10 and 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a.

When I was in college I was part of a Skid Row ministry. Every Sunday we were bussed to a part of Chicago that looked like it had been bombed and we went to the people there whose lives had been devastated by alcohol. Some were homeless, some lived in a flop house. It was an old hotel, where they had knocked out the walls and replaced them with flimsy partitions that did not go up to the ceiling but were topped with chicken wire to keep occupants from climbing over into neighboring “rooms.” The resulting cubicles were narrower than jail cells, having only room for a single bed and a small dresser. It was more like a kennel than a place fit for human beings. It was called the Legion Hotel and its name reminded me of the man possessed by demons who, when Jesus asked his name, replied, “My name is Legion for we are many.” (Mark 5:9) And in this place we met many men who were no longer in control of their lives but were slaves to spirits; in this case, distilled spirits.

I really didn't know then what I do now about addiction but I accepted the idea that the first step to helping someone was to get them to admit they had a problem. We thought step one was to get these men to say that they were alcoholics. So we were surprised to discover that they readily did so, often without being asked. But rather than this admission being a painful realization of their predicament it was a rationalization of their condition. To them, saying “I am an alcoholic” was essentially saying “I can't help it,” and therefore “Why try?” It was a shrug, an excuse to give up and give in to the disease that was slowly stripping them of their mental and physical health.

When someone attempts to do something very hard and fails to do it perfectly, we often console the person by saying, “You're only human.” We mean, “You did your best and only failed because you came up against your limitations.” We would be appalled if the person responded, “You're right, so I'm going to give up and never try anything difficult ever again.” We didn't mean to give up on all their goals or dreams. A person who did not make it as a big Hollywood star could still be an actor, perhaps doing character roles in films or doing the lead roles in regional theater. A scientist who didn't win the Nobel prize can still teach others and perhaps become a mentor to the next generation of scientists. Just because I was never going to be the next Florence Nightingale or Billy Graham didn't mean that I was going to give up nursing or preaching. You may have to modify your wildest dreams or loftiest goals but you don't have to give up on them completely.

Yet it seems that more and more I hear people saying that because we can't achieve our ideals, we should get rid of our expectations of things ever getting better. Revelations that very accomplished people like Neil Gaiman, Albert Einstein, Joss Whedon, Charles Dickens, Bill Clinton, Louis CK, and many others turned out to be sexual predators or terrible spouses, fathers, or bosses have led some people to say, “Well, as long as they do good work as artists, scientists, writers, directors, politicians, or comedians, we shouldn't expect them to be morally good as well.” In other words, they are only human. We can't expect them to be good at everything. But it's not a zero-sum game. Being a terrible person is not a prerequisite for being great in some other area of human endeavor. Benedict Arnold was a great general but that doesn't mean we can excuse his going over to the other side and betraying the American Revolution. There is a difference between trying to do something good and failing to do it perfectly and simply deciding to do what you know is wrong and harmful to others.

In Autocracy, Inc, historian Anne Applebaum tells us that what triggered Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev's famous outburst at the United Nations where he took off his shoe and pounded it on the podium was an accusation that the USSR violated human rights. He denied it. Today's dictators don't bother because they don't care to be seen as role models. Instead they point to egregious human rights violations committed by the US and other democratic nations and say, in effect, “We are no worse than anyone else.” They want people to accept that such things will happen and reconcile themselves to it. They're essentially saying, “It's only human.” But like the guys I ministered to on Skid Row, what they mean but aren't saying is, “Nobody can do any better. So why try?”

Apparently this was part of the problem the people are having in our reading from Nehemiah. In 597 BC the Babylonian empire defeated the tiny nation of Judah and took the upper classes of Jews into exile. 10 years later Nebuchadnezzar II came back and destroyed Jerusalem, its walls and the temple. In 538 BC Cyrus the Great, king of Persia, conquered Babylon and let the Jews return. The lower classes of Jews who were not taken into exile had lived for nearly 70 years without a temple or priests or much knowledge of the Torah, the law of Moses. Nehemiah returns from exile to organize the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the scribe Ezra comes with a mission to rebuild the faith of the people. It's Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year. As a teacher of the law Ezra reads from the Torah and with the help of the Levites translates it from the written Hebrew into the Aramaic which the people spoke. Remember, this crowd has never read or heard these scriptures before. And when the people hear it, they weep. They recognize that they have not been doing what God wants them to do and they probably won't do it perfectly. Ezra sees this and says, “This day is holy to the Lord your God; do not mourn or weep....Go your way, eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions of them to those for whom nothing is prepared, for this day is holy to our Lord; and do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

When a child starts walking somewhere around their first birthday, they fall a lot, often on their butt. Then they tend to look at their parents. If the parents look upset, the infant cries. But if the parents smile encouragingly, the toddler gets back up and takes a few more steps. As a child improves his ability to walk, he stumbles and falls less. Just so, God wants us to try to walk with him even when we stumble at times. And just as reaching maturity doesn't mean we will never stumble or fall but that we will instead get up and start again, so should we do in our walk with God. Like a good parent, God doesn't give up on us and we shouldn't give up on us or him either.

As C.S. Lewis said, God is easy to please but hard to satisfy. He is pleased by any progress we make but he expects us to keep going. The worst thing for a child or a Christian to do after a fall is to give up on ever getting to their feet again and walking. Human beings only progress when they balance the recognition and acknowledgment of their flaws and limitations with a determination to try to do better. We should never let the perfect become the enemy of the good.

Another thing that helps us overcome our limitations is helping one another. In the US we have this ideal of the self-sufficient person, who can handle anything that is thrown at them. But nobody is self-sufficient. You'll see that if you ever watch a few episodes of Naked and Afraid, the so-called reality show in which people are dropped off in the wilderness without any clothing or anything to help them survive except one item. There is nothing sexy about the show, not only because parts of the body are blurred out, but because the people really do have to work from scratch to make shelter, gather food and stay healthy. A lot of the contestants are survivalists, sometimes even ex-military and survival instructors. And yet when they have to use their skills in the real world, they often find it is much more difficult than they realized. Many get sick or are hobbled by injuries that would be easily treated back home. The weather makes life very hard and the animals they need for food are not easily caught, especially in the quantities they need to stay healthy. It seems that the couples that do best do so, not merely because of their individual skills, but because they cooperate well. They see themselves not as competitors but as a team, each being realistic about both their individual strengths and weaknesses as well as their need for each other's help. Their goal is to travel to a point at which they will be flown out to civilization, where the things we need to survive are provided by construction workers, grocery stores, doctors and others working together.

Civilization, like any group of people, depends on the cooperation of human beings. Paul recognized this in a church that was sometimes a contentious mix of Jews and Gentiles, of rich and poor, slaves and free, males and females. Instead of trying to make everyone uniform, Paul saw that God was using their differences to create a new kind of humanity. And he was inspired to compare Christians to a body. Even if you never studied anatomy, you know that the body is made of many different parts which have many different functions. To do almost anything, the parts have to work together in harmony. After my accident, I learned in physical therapy that the act of walking involves 9 major muscle groups. What children work out on their own, I needed a lot of physical help and instruction to relearn. I became very aware of how my body worked and how it didn't work. It was hard and painful but I never gave up. At one point, I used my left leg, which was slightly less damaged, to hook my right leg and help it bend more fully.

Members of the body help one another. And all of the members have important functions. It used to be that doctors thought the appendix was useless except to burst and cause a very serious medical emergency. Now they realize it is part of the immune system and stores good bacteria that help us digest food. Scientists found that our DNA contained sequences that didn't appear to have any functions and called them “junk DNA.” Now they realize that they do have important functions, like regulating gene expression and helping chromosomes stay together which is vital for cell survival. And as Paul points out, all the members of the body of Christ also have important functions and it is vital that we be united.

If you stub your toe or get something in your eye, your whole body is immediately aware and tries to help. If you get a splinter in one finger, your other hand tries to pull it out. Or you use your mouth to ask your friend or spouse or parent to pull it out. That's what your body parts or other members of the body of Christ are for: to help each other.

In the beginning God said “It is not good for man to be alone.” (Genesis 2:18) We are social animals. No one human being ever hunted down a wooly mammoth, killed it and brought it back to the tribe alone. It took a hunting party. The only way humans managed to survive was by cooperating. The only way we will have a functional country is by cooperating, which includes accepting the contributions of immigrants. (Leviticus 19:33-34; Matthew 25:34-46) Miguel Ondetti, an Argentine-American, synthesized the first ACE inhibitor, which treats heart disease. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell, who came to the US from Scotland. Steve Jobs was born to a Syrian immigrant. Jobs was a co-founder of Apple and was responsible for the development of the smartphone on which we depend so much these days.

Yes, we are only human and we are sinners and we have limitations. Problems arise not only when we deny these things but when we use them as an excuse not to try to improve. When we fail, we can go into an emotional tailspin, or we can say, “I can do that a little better.” And we can seek the help of others. That way we can overcome some of our limitations. Jesus calls us together to become his body on earth and take up his mission of bringing the good news of God's love and forgiveness and healing to the world and of bringing more people into the body of Christ with their strengths and skills.

And let us not forget that we have an even greater source of help, the Holy Spirit, who indwells every member of the body of Christ and enables us to do more than we can ask or imagine. Jesus called him the Parakletos, a Greek word which means “advocate, counselor, encourager, and helper.” (John 14:15-17) We may only be human but with his help we are more than conquerors. (Romans 8:37) The Spirit enabled a handful of human beings to proclaim the good news which conquered the Roman Empire and spread to every nation of the world. The church has not been perfect but through its influence most cultures accept the idea of helping the weak, the poor, the hungry, and the helpless as well as the ideals of justice and equality. If we are to do better, we must not give up on our ideals just because we have failed to live up to them perfectly. We must commit ourselves to do what is right, however difficult, and to say, as we do in our baptismal vows, “I will, with God's help.” 

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Benefits for All

The scripture referred to is 1 Corinthians 12:1-11.

In the movie Up In The Air, George Clooney played a corporate downsizer, firing people for bosses who simply can't. Why would anyone do such a job? For Clooney's character it's to accumulate air miles. If he gets to 10 million miles, he will be only the 7th person to achieve that goal. He will get Lifetime Executive Status, meet the chief pilot and have his name put on the side of a plane. Would that be enough for you to make your living taking away the livings of others?

People do all kinds of things for the benefits they receive. Usually it's money or power but there are other things people desire. People enter the costume contests at comic book conventions just to win esteem in the eyes of other fans for their authentic realization of a superhero's gear. Or it might be the chance to strut as their idol before others. These costumes often take hundreds of man-hours to make from scratch. It may not seem worth it to you but it does to them. And maybe the Barbie dolls a person collects by the hundreds bring back the excitement of getting their favorite toy as a child. Now why a person would spend tens of thousands of dollars on surgery to look like Barbie is another issue. But it has value, if only psychological, to that person.

When I wrote radio ads, I had to find and present the benefits of whatever the sponsor was offering. It could be high quality, low cost, convenience, prestige, variety, a fun or exciting experience, delicious food, better looking clothes or a better looking you. The unspoken question I was trying to answer was “Why should anyone patronize this sponsor?” The answer was always that the purchaser of the goods or services would receive some benefit, even if it was something intangible.

When Jesus proclaimed the gospel or good news, the chief benefits to those responding were forgiveness of sins and entering the kingdom of God. And that made it valuable enough for people to risk their lives by converting to Christianity, an obscure, unpopular and, for 3 centuries, an illegal religion. But it doesn't seem that forgiveness, citizenship in God's kingdom, or any other spiritual benefits are enough to attract many people today. At least in the affluent West. Christianity is attracting millions of people in the Third World.

Modern secularists attribute this to superstition or lack of education. But I think it is because those who live on the knife's edge of existence are less delusional about the amount of control they have in their lives. Yes, we in the West have better education. We who live in democratic countries have more say in our government. We have more money. But we aren't necessarily happier. The United States doesn't even make the top ten happiest countries on earth, according to the World Happiness Report from the Gallup Poll. In fact, we have the 5th highest suicide rate in the world. The US ranks 48th in life expectancy, coming in right below Panama. And on average the last 8 years of our life will be spent suffering from chronic or even terminal diseases. And this is despite the US having the highest healthcare costs per capita in the world.

While we know more scientifically about the things that can drastically alter our lives we don't necessarily have a greater mastery over them. For instance, we can detect breast cancer earlier but that hasn't significantly changed its mortality rate. In fact, we have become better at diagnosing a lot of things, like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, autism, and asthma, but we are still a long way from curing them. Meanwhile we are trying to increase the intelligence of our machines with the intention of having them make decisions for us without a clue on how we can keep control of them after doing that. In many cases, our knowledge only gives us the illusion of mastery over the universe. We are fooling ourselves.

The poor entertain no such delusions. So they know that getting right with God and being part of a community focused on living in loving harmony with God and with each other is still a major benefit. In the wealthier countries, however, the church has to sugarcoat the gospel and give it some “Right Here, Right Now!” benefits to get people to sign on. Many preachers talk not about how Jesus can transform your spiritually empty life into a spiritually fulfilling life of selfless service but on how he will enhance your life with material blessings like wealth and success. To paraphrase President John Kennedy, people are asking not what they can do for God but what God can do for them.

In today's passage from Paul's first letter to the Corinthians, he seems to be having a slightly similar problem with that church. But, ironically, the blessings people were coveting were not material but spiritual gifts, especially the flashier ones like speaking in tongues. And apparently their worship was suffering. It was a cacophony. People coming for the first time might think the worshippers were nuts! (1 Corinthians 14:23)

It is interesting that Paul first reminds them that they used to worship pagan idols that could not speak. What's the relevance? If the idol does not speak, then who does? The pagan priest who acts as a fortune teller, telling the person what he or she wants to hear. Or he may upsell the worshipper on needing to provide a bigger sacrifice. And because the idol doesn't speak, its professional spokesperson can say just about anything.

This is still a problem today in certain churches. A very charismatic preacher can get away with teaching any doctrine. Since he doesn't represent a voiceless idol, he learns to take the word of God and twist it into saying something other than the gospel of Jesus. He can even diminish the status of Jesus or deny his teachings in such a plausible way that people think he knows what he is talking about. And while you may immediately think of people like Jim Jones or David Koresh, you needn't go to that extreme. There are preachers in churches of what they call the New Apostolic Reformation who style themselves as this era's new apostles and prophets. And if they contradict God's word, they say that their new pronouncements supersede what the Bible says.

A subtler strategy is for preachers to publicly hold to orthodox Christianity but to put most of their emphasis on secondary matters, or pet causes, or to stoke the outrage or fears of those listening in order to get them to give more money. For instance, we have churches where people worship politicians or political causes more than they do the Incarnate God who said his kingdom is not of this world and whose message is that we, like he, must deny ourselves daily and take up our crosses. (John 18:36; Luke 9:23) The problem is that the work of spreading God's kingdom can be dismantled or diverted by such concerns for earthly power and benefits.

Now in the church the Spirit of God can speak through anyone. This can, of course, cause a problem if you have competing and contradictory spokespeople. One clue, says Paul, is whether the person can say, “Jesus is Lord” and mean it. Is Jesus calling the shots or is the speaker or someone else that he represents? Is what the speaker is saying serving Jesus or some other cause? Is the speaker manipulating what Jesus stands for or twisting what Jesus says so it seems to have the opposite meaning?

Since the common link between church members should be letting Jesus be the Lord of your life, while there are different spiritual gifts, they all serve God. And these manifestations of the Spirit all serve the common good. It's not like the Spirit is opening a box of toys so we can all fight for the most attractive ones and then run off and play with them by ourselves. It's more like the Spirit is distributing musical instruments and we are to learn how to use what he gives us and then learn to play them in harmony with each other, all on the same page and all playing the same composition, as an orchestra does.

Notice that in his list Paul starts with the less spectacular but more important gifts. He begins with wisdom and knowledge. The two really are separate gifts. As we have seen in the news and in history, having a lot of knowledge is not the same as having a lot of wisdom. Smart people can do stupid things. Knowledge is about accumulating a lot of facts and data. Wisdom is about evaluating things, including what you know. You need knowledge but you need to sift it to find out what is essential to the matter at hand, what is important and what is neither so you don't get distracted by what is trivial. While the gifts of knowledge and wisdom are to be used in tandem, Paul says that we may find them in different people. Folks with wisdom need those with knowledge to fill them in on details and technical matters. People with knowledge need people with wisdom to help them use their knowledge wisely. People with these two gifts need to work together for the common good.

Some people have the gift of faith, Paul says. Of course, all Christians must have faith in God but some folks really trust him. They are not discouraged, they are not stymied, they know that God is at work in the situation, however bleak or grim it appears. The church needs people like that. It's only when people lose their faith in God that things truly become hopeless. We need people who say, “Hey, our God is loving and trustworthy. So let's look for his hand in what is going on.” Thank God for those people!

Then Paul gets to the big, obvious gifts of the Spirit that the Christians in Corinth were striving for: healing, miracles, prophesy, the discernment of spirits, speaking in tongues and its necessary compliment: interpreting tongues. Why don't we see these gifts today?

We do in some churches and especially in parts of the globe where most Christians now live: the Third World. On NPR, I heard the story of an American Methodist pastor visiting a Methodist church in Africa. He was startled to hear them announce that he would be casting out spirits! Fortunately he knew the Bible well enough to do this as the disciples did. But it was not something he had ever been called to do for his American congregation. It wasn't that the African church's theology was totally different from his but that their culture was different. We also pray for God to heal people from diseases caused by beings invisible to the naked eye. We call them germs. They call them spirits. And science tells us that a patient's faith in a treatment is crucial to its effectiveness. I don't remember if he told the people there what he would tell his parishioners here after praying for them, that is, to see a doctor and avail themselves of his gifts as well.

Finally, Paul reiterates that as varied as these gifts are, they are all carried out by the same Spirit. Just because you or I can't see a reason for some of them doesn't mean that God can't use them. Paul also emphasizes that it's the Spirit, not us, who chooses which person gets which gift. In that way it's like being part of a theatre group. Not everyone can have a speaking part on the stage, but there is a place for those who design the sets and build them, those who make costumes, those who find or fabricate props, those who do the lights, those who play the music, those who sell the tickets, those who sell the refreshments, those who sell ads for the programs, those who do the budgets, etc. And they all work under the same director. Without all of those people behind the scenes, doing what they do best, the actors would be fumbling in the dark, literally.

I doubt that in this and in the other places that Paul enumerates spiritual gifts (cf. Romans 12:4-8) that he has exhausted all the ways in which God can be manifested in the life of the church. But the principles he lays down here still apply. All gifts come from the same Spirit, the one who leads us to recognize Jesus as our Lord and Savior. All gifts, spectacular or not, are important and all must be used for the common good.

But that means Christians need to keep coming together regularly to exercise them. Involvement in the church is also essential. Pull an ember from the fire and it will continue to glow for a while. And then it will go out. It needs to stay a part of the fire to keep being stoked. We need to be part of our common life if we are to be warm and to illuminate this cold and dark world.

So where is the divine spark in you? Please share it with us.

First preached on January 17, 2010. It has been revised and updated.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Canon Fodder

Knowing me to be a big fan of Sherlock Holmes, whose birthday was just celebrated on January 6th, you'd think that I just can't wait to see all the new TV shows about him that are soon to be released. But I am fairly sure that we will not be seeing the same sleuth that we read of in the 4 novels and 56 short stories penned by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I was not a fan of the Netflix series in which Dr. Watson recruited children to fight supernatural threats because Holmes was too strung out on drugs. And I am not sure if I will enjoy the series that gives him a heretofore unknown daughter, despite the fact that I like the actor who will portray Holmes. And I really don't see the point of the one that is all about Watson fighting Moriarty alone after the presumed death of Holmes. The friendship of the detective and the doctor is at the heart of the stories. It would be like doing a Muppet movie with Miss Piggy but not Kermit. It's their chemistry we love.

Sherlock Holmes is the most portrayed character in film and TV. At least 72 actors have played the great detective but, as you can imagine, not all did a good job. And even before Doyle's death in 1930, fans have written their own Sherlock Holmes stories. And this fan fiction has been a mixed lot. Very few manage to deliver the whole package that we find in the originals: the recognizable characters, the sharp dialogue, the intriguing plots and the dramatic moments that will forever live in our memories. And frequently the new stories just seem like an excuse to put Holmes in a romance or put him up against a supernatural foe or have him solve the Jack the Ripper murders or have him travel in time. Occasionally the author does manage to pull it off and get the feel of the characters and Watson's narration and the atmosphere right. But authors like Laurie King, Nicholas Meyer, Lindsey Faye, Ellery Queen and Michael and Molly Hardwick are outnumbered by mediocre writers, who have more enthusiasm than skill. Usually such pastiches disappoint because they fail to capture the true spirit of Sherlock Holmes.

Our sermon suggestion question is “Why are some books not in the Bible?” By this I take it that the writer means, not the Apocrypha which is found between the Old and New Testaments in Roman Catholic and some Anglican Bibles, but other ancient books, like the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Judas, the Assumption of Moses, 3rd and 4th Maccabees, etc. Scholars classify these books as pseudepigrapha, that is, books written by people who adopted the name of a prophet or apostle as a pseudonym to give their works authority. These books consist of retellings of Bible stories with a lot of legendary material added, apocalypses with lots of extra details not found in the Bible, as well as those banned gospels that the media, including You Tubers, makes such a fuss about.

Why didn't they make it into the Bible? It's like asking why the script for the 2010 film in which Sherlock Holmes fights dinosaurs was not included in copies of The Complete Sherlock Holmes. It's not only because it is awful. Even very good and fun pastiches like The Seven Percent Solution aren't included, because they weren't written by Doyle and they were done much later than the originals. When it comes to Biblical pseudepigrapha we know they are not as old because in many cases the language is different. All of the Old Testament books were written in Hebrew or Aramaic. If the oldest copy we have of a supposed Old Testament book is in Greek, we know it was written much later.

In most cases we can scientifically determine how old a manuscript is. We can also look at when the work was first mentioned or quoted by other writers. If the earliest mention of a gospel comes 100 or 200 years after the time of Jesus, it was not written by an apostle or his secretary or close associate. The 4 canonical gospels were all written before the end of the first century, Mark first and John last.

Then there is the subject matter of other would-be gospels, acts, epistles and apocalypses. They are not merely stories about Adam and Eve, Moses, or Jesus. They are very much like The Seven Percent Solution or Young Sherlock Holmes, in that they are origin stories. They are efforts by “fans” to give the untold origins of certain elements in the original stories, explaining or filling in details never provided in the canon of writings. (BTW, “canon” comes from the Greek word for a straight rod or measuring stick. It came to mean a standard or rule.) The two pastiches I mentioned give different explanations of Holmes' obsession with crime and with Professor Moriarty. A lot of the pseudo-scriptures do the same, giving us, for instance, fascinating new details of Mary's or Jesus' childhoods, and answering questions that generations of both believers and unbelievers have asked. They are obviously not equal to the originals but are dependent on the reader having a prior knowledge of them. This makes them read very differently from the originals. When C.S. Lewis, while he was an atheist, first read the gospels in the original Greek, he was struck by their artlessness. As an expert in classical literature, Lewis realized that the gospels were not well-written enough to be myths; they were closer to reporting. In a pseudo-gospel you are very aware of the hand of the writer in shaping what is said and done by the characters. They feel crafted by a storyteller, with none of the odd details one sees in real life. (Compare Mark 14:51-52. Nothing more is made of this person or incident. It doesn't help the story; it's just something that happened.)

The pseudepigrapha usually have a very clear agenda, one that goes way beyond the canonical gospels' purpose to spread the good news about Jesus. Some are pious fictions, written to defend the truth of the gospel by, oddly enough, making stuff up. Other gospels, like that purporting to be by Thomas, simply use Jesus as a spokesperson for the author's own religious ideas. Many promote Gnosticism, which held that the physical universe is evil and that only that which is non-physical is good. This contradicts the Bible which says that God made the universe and pronounced it good. (Genesis 1:31)

Still, who decided which books made it into the Bible and which didn't? It was not a single person or a small group but generations of believers. As Christians spread the gospel, they quoted certain books that they felt had authority when it came to the life and teachings of Jesus. They did this so much that if all the ancient documents of the New Testament were suddenly destroyed, we could still reconstruct them all except for 11 verses, using the quotations of them found in the writings of the early church fathers, the successors to the apostles. That's how revered they were and how authoritative they were considered, as well as how thoroughly they were studied and relied upon.

At first, there was no official list of the books of the New Testament. Ironically the first such list was compiled by Marcion, a wealthy heretic who set up a rival network of churches. He rejected the Old Testament entirely, saying the creator God of the Jews was evil. Only the God and Father of Jesus was good. Consequently his New Testament consisted of an edited version of Luke and ten of Paul's letters. This caused orthodox Christians to argue for the acceptance of the other gospels and the Old Testament. This in turn led to a discussion of which books should be accepted as authoritative when it comes to Christian faith and practice.

Of course there were other good Christian books that were also read and treasured: The Shepherd of Hermes, the First letter of Clement, the letters of Ignatius and more. So why weren't they included in the scriptures? Well, if Marcion's abbreviated, anti-semitic New Testament caused Christians to consider what books ought to be added to the canon, the persecutions under Diocletian forced them to decide what books should be subtracted. The emperor decreed that Christians were to turn over their sacred books to be burned. All the churches had to decide which books to keep (and hide) and which writings were of lesser importance and so could be surrendered to the authorities. Again, by this time there was no official canon of the New Testament but a general agreement emerged that the books to be saved were all 4 gospels, the letters of Paul, 1st Peter and 1st John. Some had doubts about the letter to the Hebrews, James, Jude, 2nd and 3rd John, 2nd Peter and Revelation, but eventually they too made the grade. So other popular Christian books were sacrificed instead to mollify the emperor.

What criteria were used to decide which books were considered sacred? The first was whether the writer was an apostle or close associate of an apostle, like, for instance, Luke. This is the reason that the 4 gospels and Paul's letters were recognized early in the process. In fact, the current arrangement of the New Testament pretty much follows the order in which the books were accepted into the canon.

A second criterion was whether the book in question was orthodox. “Orthodox” is just Greek for “right teaching.” Christians weighed in on whether the books being discussed were in harmony with the faith received from the apostles. This faith was summarized in creeds which were used in teaching, baptism and other liturgies. So books which rejected the idea that there is only one God, or that rejected Jesus as being both fully human and fully divine, or that rejected the teaching that we are saved by Jesus' death on the cross, were in turn rejected by most Christians.

Another criterion was the antiquity of the book. People back then may not have had the ability to carbon-date books but they were literate and they knew which books went all the way back to the early days of the church. This dovetailed with the final criterion, that of usage. Books that were and that had always been widely quoted by the church, and that were used in catechisms and liturgies, were given more weight.

Contrary to Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code, and You Tubers ignorant of history, the first church council of Nicea did not create the canon of scripture in 325 AD. The process, as we have said, had already been underway for a couple of hundred years. The council merely affirmed the resulting consensus. And while it was pretty close to what we have today, it wouldn't be completely the same in all parts of the church, scattered all over the known world, for a couple hundred more years. So it was not decided hastily or by one person like the emperor. Councils were called, positions were debated, votes were taken. The voices of Christians and churches from east and west, north and south, were heard.

And the voice of the true Spirit of God was recognized in the books that eventually were collected, copied and distributed as the Bible. It was the holy and loving voice of the Lord who offers forgiveness and healing to those who respond to him. It was the voice of Jesus who challenged popular notions and the status quo rather than rubber-stamped them, as most religions tend to do. It was the voice of the God who audaciously acted to save his creatures at the cost of his own blood. That was the standard, the rule, the canon that the books of the Bible had to meet. You can read the ones that didn't make it online and decide for yourself. To me they mostly read like bad fan fiction. To those who do not merely see but who observe them, the differences between the books that resonated with the vast majority of Christians as getting the God revealed in Jesus Christ right and the ones that didn't get him quite right are, you might say, elementary.

First preached on January 10, 2010. It has been revised and updated. 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Shred the Old, Bless the New

She was always smiling—except when she had forgotten that she had just eaten. She would come up to the nurses' station and ask where her food was. If we gave her something to eat, she would be just as likely to forget and come back with the same complaint: “Where is my food?” I found that it was best to tell her she was early for the next meal, which was just a couple of hours away. Her other inquiry was whether anything was going on right now. We'd tell her about whatever activities the therapists were doing and she'd wheel her chair to Bingo or crafts or singing or cards. Usually she'd just sit and watch but that was OK. She was 103. Her birthday was the day after the first of the year. Maybe that's why, whenever anyone would pass her, whatever day it actually was, she'd wish them a Happy New Year.

And she was right. Our designation of one specific day as the start of a succession of months is arbitrary. The Jewish New Year or Rosh Hashanah takes place in autumn. The Christian liturgical year begins with Advent. Because the Islamic calendar is lunar and about 10 days shorter than the solar year, over time the Muslim or Hijiri New Year migrates throughout the seasons. These calendars are built around major events in their respective faiths. But you don't have to wait until a specific day to start a project or make a change or do something new. You can just get to it. Or, if you really have to wait for someone else to act or something else to happen first, you can at least make preparations.

But excluding creation, no beginning is ever without antecedents. There is always that which came before. It may be good. It may be bad. It may have had both good and bad effects. Whatever it was, you have to deal with it.

If what happened in the past was good, then you should give thanks to God for it and build on it. If some past event or events resulted in both good and bad consequences, you should reflect on that and see what wisdom can be gained from it. Ask yourself: if a similar situation should arise, is there a way to maximize the good that comes from it and minimize the evil?

If something bad has happened in the past, you may have to clean up the aftermath. Or, if you can't do that, you may have to work around its fallout. You might have to make peace with it: acknowledge that it happened and then move on the best you can.

If you had a hand in what was bad—if your actions encouraged or allowed it, if you are responsible either by what you did or didn't do—then you should repent. This doesn't necessarily mean making a big emotional scene. It means, first, regretting and turning away from the evil. It means, to use Paul's metaphor, crucifying and burying the old you. (Romans 6:3-11) That sounds drastic but Paul is not only thinking of the death of our past but also of our resurrection, spiritual and physical, where the best of a person, who they were created to be, is restored by God's Spirit.

Repentance also means telling God that you're sorry for what you did, as well as telling that to anyone who was affected. The good thing about doing this, though it's one of the hardest parts of repentance, is knowing that God truly forgives you. (1 John 1:9)

Repentance also means actively turning towards the good, not only internally but externally as well. It means orienting yourself towards Jesus and becoming more like him. It means opening yourself to his Holy Spirit, that he may purify your soul, illumine your mind and set your heart on fire for him.

But not everything bad in your life is your fault. We are social creatures and what one person or one group does affects others. The problem is that if you had no hand in some awful event, you may also feel powerless to respond to it. You may complain about it but your complaint may seem to be like just blowing off steam. It soon evaporates into nothingness.

After the Great Recession in 2008, there was an event that took place on Wall Street the next year. The organizers invited people to shred the stuff that symbolized the bad events of the past year: pink slips, worthless 401K statements, eviction notices, etc. The idea was to offer a catharsis for the bad things that happened that year. But we can do better.

When I did this in 2010, I put two slips of paper and an envelope in the bulletin. (If you're reading this, you can adapt it on your own.) On one piece of paper write down all the bad things about the previous year they wished to eradicate: events that had negative impacts on you and your loved ones—lost jobs, lost opportunities, broken dreams, illnesses, tragedies, stupid or bad decisions you made, stupid or bad decisions others made that had catastrophic effects on you or those you care for, foolish or harmful words, poor investments, fears realized, fears that never came true but which made your life miserable, arrogance, laziness, lust, greed, rage, envy, gluttony and any other sins you wish to obliterate. Do not put people on this list. We are not symbolically destroying people. Put actions, attitudes, situations and sins. Don't show anyone. Let's do that now.


Now on the other piece of paper write, on one side, the things you are thankful for that either happened last year or which survived to this year. Write down decisions you're glad you or others made, actions you're glad that you or others took, wonderful moments, dreams realized, victories achieved, disasters averted, hard work rewarded, and milestones in life reached.

Definitely put people you are grateful for on this list, even people who are no longer living in this world but who are resting in the arms of our loving God and Father. Let's do that now.


On the other side of the paper where we listed what we are grateful for, write down our needs and hopes for the new year. Write down both what you need to survive as well as what you hope will happen. They may be things needed for the physical, emotional, financial, or spiritual health of yourself as well as for those you love. They may be prayers for a better perspective on life, or a vision of a better-spent life to follow. When you are done, put the list of thanksgiving and hope in an envelope and put your name on it. Let's take a few minutes to do this.


What we did in 2010 was bring the lists and envelopes up to the altar. I had set up a “holy shredder” in which people could insert the stuff they wished to commit to destruction. We had a basket in which to put the envelopes of things people were thankful for and things they hoped for. (You may destroy the first list anyway you can.)

Over these things, let us pray:

Lord God, King of the Universe, Loving heavenly Father, we present to you these things that have hurt and harmed us, your people, this past year. We consign them to destruction. Some of these things are our own fault and we humbly repent, turning from them to you. Some were not our fault and we ask that you heal us and remove their negative effects from our lives. Help us to bury them and move on. We trust that as you brought the offer of eternal life for all out of the death of your beloved Son Jesus Christ, so you will bring out of these sorrows good things for those who love and obey you.

Good and gracious Lord, we present to you these envelopes. Inside are the things and people from this past year for which we are grateful. We acknowledge that they are blessings from you. We also present to you our hopes for this new year. We ask your blessing upon them. According to your wisdom and lovingkindness, water and nourish them that they may grow to maturity and flourish. And if there is anything here for which we are not suited or not yet ready, we know that you will grant something even better for us in the long run. For we know that it is your plan that we may grow into the likeness of your Son and display your love and healing power to others, that your blessings to us may also be blessings to the world, the world you have created and are in the process of making new. We ask all this in the name of your Son our Savior Jesus Christ and through the power of your Holy Spirit, who live and reign with you, Father, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Take the envelopes with your thanks and hopes home with you. Put them somewhere where you don't forget them. You can use them as a help or focus for some of your prayers. You may want to add to them or refine them. And watch to see how God answers those prayers.

I warn you: God thinks outside the box of our perception. He is, as we see in Genesis 1, creative. The answers to your prayers may be “Yes,” “No,” “Not yet,” or “I have something better for you.” He may answer your prayers but not in the way you thought he would. But we have his assurance that he is working all things together for the good of those who love him and that what he can do for us is immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. (Romans 8:28; Ephesians 3:20) Knowing this, may our attitude this year be that expressed by Dag Hammarskjold: “For all that has been, thanks. For all that will be, yes!”

First preached on January 3, 2010. It has been revised and updated.