Thoughts that Haunt the Wee Hours, Theological or not, Both Momentous & Trivial

Thursday, February 27, 2014
The Apocrypha Assessment: Judith 8
At last our title character enters the story. Judith is a wealth widow who is offended by the high priest setting God a timetable. God cannot be coerced. Instead Judith has a plan.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
The Apocrypha Assessment: Judith 7
Holofernes and his troops prepare to besiege Bethulia but the Edomites and Moabites have a better plan: cut off the folks in the town from their water supply and they will have to surrender. It is done and the inhabitants are indeed clamoring for their high priest to settle with the Assyrians. Uzziah the high priest asks for 5 more days to see if the Lord will act.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Love Who?!?
I was a kid, I went to the Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museum in
Chicago. In the gift shop I saw and bought a 1 ½ inch square of
plastic that had the entire Bible printed on it. If I put it under my
microscope and patiently adjusted the focus I could see, though not
comfortably read, the words of all 1200 pages of the King James
Bible. I was excited because I had seen machines at the library that
would allow you to read microfilms of books and newspapers. I figured
someday they would make a handheld version that would read books on
little squares like my micro-Bible and I could carry my whole library
with me in a cigarbox. What a glorious future I imagined!
future did me one better. I now have a Kindle on which I have several
translations of the Bible, commentaries, Bible and medical
dictionaries, books by Martin Luther, C.S. Lewis, and St. Augustine,
histories of the church, of the middle ages, and disabilities in
America, all the works of Jules Verne and H.G. Wells and Mark Twain
and Edgar Allan Poe and every one of the original Sherlock Holmes
stories. And it is smaller than a cigarbox. If necessary I can also
access these books on my smartphone.
We live at a time when the science fiction tropes of my childhood are
becoming fact. Seeing that it encompasses everything from optimistic
Star Trek to the dystopic vision of Brave New World, I
am not sure whether this development heartens or disturbs me. On the
one hand, we have tiny devices in our pockets that can access
practically all of the information in the world with a computing
power greater than the room-sized computers that got us to the moon.
On the other hand, we have drones, or as I like to think of them,
flying robots of death. And even our computers have a dark side,
allowing others to gather information on us, which can be used to
steal our identities or, we are assured, serve us better and keep us
safe from terrorists.
before the revelations that our own NSA was collecting data on every
phone call and computer search we make, my wife and I got hooked on a
show called Person of Interest. In it a rich eccentric
computer programmer has created a machine which can monitor all
electronic data—phone, computer, security cameras, etc—for the
government. It is supposed to search for clues to imminent terrorist
activities but it also picks up indications of individual crimes of
violence. The government sees these as irrelevant but Harold, the
programmer, has built a backdoor into the software and the machine
gives him the social security numbers of those who are either going
to be perpetrators or victims of personal violence. Harold has
recruited some disillusioned CIA assassins and cops to help prevent
the crimes he is tipped off about. It's a smart and compelling show
but often the solution to the threat of violence comes down to more
a particularly intense episode, one of the good guy cops was captured
and tortured for having incriminating evidence about the bad guys. He
refuses to tell them where the evidence is and his son's death is
ordered. The bad guy uses the good cop's phone to call his son so he
can hear his boy die. Then a good guy assassin saves the son, and the
tortured cop manages to turn the tables on his executioner and
garrotte the bad guy with his own handcuffs. And I found myself
cheering as he killed the bad guy! Afterward I wondered why I was so
uncharacteristically reveling in such bloodlust.
expect violence in Person of Interest but in the recent Star
Trek movie the climax was Spock, the emotionless, rational
Vulcan, pummeling the bad guy into unconsciousness. And in Man of
Steel Superman kills the bad guy with his bare hands. Here we are
in the 21st century and while our technology has
progressed tremendously, our morality has emphatically not. We still think might
makes right; that the end justifies the means.
studies have shown that getting revenge on people who have done us
wrong, or even just thinking about it, activates the same part of the
brain that gives us pleasure. The researchers call it “sweet”
revenge. As Dr. Edward Hallowell, author of Dare to Forgive,
admits about revenge, “It feels so good. It's a wonderfully
triumphant feeling.”
what Jesus says about loving our enemies in today's gospel (Matthew
5:38-48) goes against some of our strongest feelings. In view of the
brain imagining study, you could even call his command unnatural. And what's
unnatural is bad, right?
call something natural is merely to say that it happens in nature; it
doesn't tell us whether it is good or bad, helpful or harmful. After
years of studying our closest relatives, the gentle and caring
chimpanzees, Jane Goodall discovered to her horror that they also go to war and
even indulge in cannibalism. Some animals eat their young. Or
practice incest. It is all natural behavior. Does that make it
morally right?
relieves pain, reduces fever and inflammation and taken in low doses
over time can prevent heart attacks. It is an artificial compound
designed to mimic the properties of willow bark. It is unnatural.
Does that make it bad? On the other hand, poison ivy and nightshade
are both natural. Does that make them good?
is natural for people to wish harm on those who wish them harm. So
natural that, while, as we see in Leviticus 19, the command to love
your neighbor is not in fact followed by the words “and hate your
enemy,” we can all think of Old Testament passages where it would
be easy to deduce that idea. Israel was a little country surrounded
by bigger pagan countries and even empires; it had to fight to
establish itself and to continue to exist. So they hated their
military enemies and their religions of sex and human sacrifice. In
Psalm 139:21 & 22, the psalmist says to God, “Lord, don't I
hate those who hate you?...I hate them with a perfect hatred. I
consider them my enemies.”
an understandable sentiment but that doesn't make it right. Jesus
wants us to transcend that. He wants us to be better than animals or
even than the natural man. Because all of the righteous violence in
the world has not stamped out the existence of violence for evil
reasons. Revenge engenders further revenge. Violence begets violence.
If I strike you on the cheek, the odds are less in favor of you
turning your other cheek than they are of you striking me back. And
striking me harder than I struck you.
is why the Lex Talionis, the law of tit for tat, is found in the Old
Testament. We also find it in the earlier Code of Hammurabi. And
while today we see the principle of “an eye for an eye and a tooth
for a tooth” as savage, it was actually a method of limiting
violence. Rather than letting any and all members of a family or
tribe avenging a wrong done to one of its members (usually by killing
and/or wounding any and all members of the perpetrator's family or
tribe), an appointed judge was to use this guideline of
proportionality. The idea was if someone injured someone so severely
that he lost an eye, no more than an eye could be taken from the
offender. You couldn't cut off his hand or take his life. And of
course this rather quickly became a matter of payment rather than
literal maiming. Jewish law laid down a method for assessing the
payment based on the 5 elements of the offense. If found guilty of
injuring another, the person was liable for the victim's
injury, pain, healing, loss of time, and the damage to his dignity.
You can see the origins of today's legal liability and compensation
what Jesus is asking his followers to do is not to insist on one's
legal rights. In Jesus' time, to strike someone on the cheek was a grave insult and
the aggressor could get a stiff fine, just like today. You couldn't
legally keep a person's outer cloak; if they were poor it might be the only way they could keep warm at night. A Roman soldier could only make
you walk one mile, to, say, carry his pack. Jesus says “forget about your rights; rise above them.” If you turn the other cheek, you are in effect saying, “I am
able to take your abuse. I am able to absorb twice the abuse you've
showered on me. I am not a person of vengeance and violence. I am a
child of God and I trust in him to administer justice.” By acting
in such a manner, the victim is not acting the victim. He is in fact
confronting the person who struck the blow with the question of what
kind of person he is. Is he the kind of person who would beat
someone who refuses to fight back? If so, he is revealing himself to
be inferior in self-control and brings dishonor upon his name and
reputation. That was especially powerful in the honor/shame society
of Jesus' day.
it has worked in history. Gandhi adopted the idea of non-violent
resistance in response to the oppressive governing of India by the British. He
organized peasants, farmers and laborers against the excessive land
taxes and discrimination. Protesting the salt tax, he led his
followers on a 250 mile march to the sea to make salt the old
fashioned way. Through many other acts of peaceful civil disobedience
and non-cooperation with the British Raj, through many imprisonments,
and by denouncing violence on either side, Gandhi shamed the British
who thought themselves to be a very moral nation. Eventually it led
to the British quitting India and letting them have their
Luther King did much the same thing. His followers would march and
sing gospel songs and the sight of these peaceful people being
knocked down by the torrents from fire hoses and attacked by dogs
made a lot of Americans feel that this did not look like a very
Christian way to treat people. In 1964 the Civil Rights Act banned
discrimination. I remember the race riots that broke out in the late
60s and early 70s after the emergence of the Black Power movement and
I can't help but think they would be worse were it not for Dr. King's
nonviolent campaigns.
saw non-violent resistance work in my own life. Once when I was
taking a public bus home from high school, a bully, his crony and I
were the last kids aboard and I knew we would be getting off at the
same stop. And he was loudly declaring what he would do to me once we
got off the bus. There was no way I could take on this Neanderthal and his
minion. I was scared. But I said to his taunts,”Sure, you can beat
me up. You're a lot bigger than me. And what will that prove? That
you can beat up someone smaller than you. Anyone can. Beating me up
won't make you a big man. It will only show that you can beat up
someone who can't possibly hurt you because they are smaller and
weaker.” When we got off the bus, he looked at me in disgust,
pushed me into some bushes and stalked off. I had spoiled his fun by
showing him how ridiculous his beating me up would make him look. I
defeated him not with pugilism but with perspective.
turning the other cheek, the victim is breaking the cycle of
violence. The natural response is to retaliate. The natural response
is for each side to escalate in response to the other side. But if
one side brings that evolution of the conflict to a halt, it can
prevent worse damage. It can also open a door to talking rather than
but doesn't taking it lying down merely embolden the aggressor? That's why
Jesus doesn't say, “just take it” but “turn the other cheek.”
That's not taking it lying down but taking it and still standing.
That's not cowardice but courage. It is a way of saying, “You
haven't defeated me. I can still act. I can still make my own
choices. And I choose not to fight.”
is also not saying, “What you did is not bad.” That is an issue
that Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber had to deal with when the 10th
anniversary of 9/11 fell on a Sunday and so by cosmic coincidence did
the passage from Matthew where Peter asks if he should forgive
someone who wronged him 7 times and Jesus says 77 times. Is that
saying it was OK? she fretted. And then she remembered a fellow Lutheran pastor
named Don. He did the funeral for Dylan Klebold, one of the Columbine
shooters. Because of that, he had to leave his job at his church. In
her book Pastrix, the Rev. Bolz-Weber writes, “...Don had the
gall to think that the promises given to Dylan by God at his baptism
were more powerful than the acts of evil he had committed. It helps
me to think about Don because I realize that he wasn't saying what
Dylan Klebold did was OK. He was defiantly proclaiming that evil is
simply not more powerful than good, and that there really is a light
that shines in the darkness and that the darkness can not, shall not,
will not overcome it.”
came to bring peace, not only between God and human beings but also
between people. And not just between our own people. It is easy to say
that “love your neighbor” doesn't include enemies. And that when
Jesus said, “Love one another as I have loved you,” he was only
talking to Christians about other Christians. Or when he said,
“Whatever you do to the least of these my siblings, you do to me,”
he was only talking about Christians clothing and feeding and
visiting in prison other Christians. If you look at these things in this
way, we are still free to hate our enemies. And we find ways to make
even our fellow countrymen, our fellow Christians, our fellow
Lutherans or Episcopalians into our enemies. But by Jesus saying
“Love your enemies” we have no one left to hate. We can't hate
the rich or the poor, the Republicans or the Democrats, the gays or
the straights, the legal or the illegal immigrants, the Muslims or
the Jews or the Wicca or anyone else. We must love every one of them.
Because God created every one of them in his image. Jesus died for
every one of them, whether they know it or not, whether they
acknowledge it or not. God so loved the WORLD...not just some of it,
not just the lovable people, not just the reasonable people, not just
the admirable people. Or else the gospel is a sham.
said, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you..”
Why? “ that you may be children of your Father who is in
heaven.” And he concludes this passage by saying, “Be perfect,
therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
you perfect? I'm not. And so if Jesus says that's the direction I
must be taking, then I will have to stop hating people, stop
demonizing them, stop wishing them ill. I will have to stop writing
people off as a lost cause, which is what hate is. Because God doesn't. And thank God he
doesn't. Or I wouldn't be here. And neither would any of you. God is
a God of hope and faithfulness and love--love more powerful than
hate, more powerful than evil, more powerful than any negative force
out there. And because he is, we can turn the other cheek, we can go
the second mile, we can love our enemies. Because greater is he who
is in us than he who is in the world. He who is in us is he who was
struck on the cheek, and whipped and spat upon and crucified. And he
who is in us is he who rose from the grave, big as life, stronger
than ever. He did that to save us, all of us. But not all of us know
that. Not all of us have responded to his love. So rather than
pushing anyone away, we need to draw them to us in order to draw them
to him. We need to stop being belligerent and start being believers
in God's power and mercy and grace. We need to be brave enough to
unclench our fists and offer our hand to our enemies. And if we get
slapped, that's a small price to pay for the privilege of
demonstrating the unstoppable love of the God who doesn't write
anyone off.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
The Apocrypha Assessment: Judith 5 & 6
Holofernes gets a rundown on the history of Israel and their God from Achior, leader of the Ammonites. If the Jews obey God, God will protect them.
Holofernes doesn't like what he hears. He is confident that his god and king Nebuchadnezzar will win. He orders Achior tied up and dumped at one of the towns near the passes to be killed after Holofernes destroys the Israelites. The townspeople find Achior and take him to their assembly where he tells them all about the council with Holofernes. They pray to God to save them from the arrogant general.
Holofernes doesn't like what he hears. He is confident that his god and king Nebuchadnezzar will win. He orders Achior tied up and dumped at one of the towns near the passes to be killed after Holofernes destroys the Israelites. The townspeople find Achior and take him to their assembly where he tells them all about the council with Holofernes. They pray to God to save them from the arrogant general.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
The Apocrypha Assessment: Judith 3 & 4
The people are so frightened they unconditionally surrender. Holofernes nevertheless destroys all shrines to all gods so that people will worship only Nebuchadnezzar.
In Judea, they are also frightened. They close off the passes to the country from the coast. The high priest orders everyone to put on sackcloth (including the cattle!) and ashes and pray to God for protection. And God hears.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Rules, Rules, Rules
say “Rules were meant to be broken.” “They” are fools. Rules
are meant to be obeyed unless there is some overriding reason not to.
Let's take the rules which we nurses must follow. A nurse is supposed to wash her hands with soap before and after
every patient contact. If she is doing a dressing change or taking
blood or starting an IV or cleaning up any body fluids, she must also wear
gloves. This is important to protect both the nurse and the patient
from contamination. It is the breaking of those rules that have led
to so many hospital-borne infections. (BTW, doctors are to wash and glove as well. Don't feel shy about asking them to do so before they
touch you or a loved one.)
one time at a nursing home I was taking care of a patient in his room
when another patient, with a dementia-driven urge to walk literally
every second she was awake, fell right at the door to the room. She sustained a scalp wound so it was bleeding profusely. Had I
followed proper hygiene protocol I would have washed my hands with
soap for at least 30 seconds, dried my hands and then gotten gloved
up before going from one patient to the next. But there was an old
lady bleeding from her head lying 10 feet from me! So I went right to
her. I probably grabbed some paper towels to hold against her wound.
And I yelled for my colleagues to come and help. I broke some rules
but I knew which ones to break and why it was necessary. And as soon
as I could I gloved and cleaned and dressed the wound using gauze
instead of paper towels. We called 911 and sent her to the hospital
and she was sent back in a few hours with stitches.
You have to know the rules and the reasons for them if you are going to break them for a better reason. If
you see the very early work of Pablo Picasso, you might be surprised
to find out he could draw well. Having mastered the rules of
realistic art, he was able to decide which rules he could or should
break in order to get the effect he was aiming for. I doubt "Guernica" would be as resonant a picture of the chaos of a civilian bombing
during the Spanish Civil War had it been painted in the
photo-realistic style of Norman Rockwell.
broke rules, notably the ones about observing the Sabbath. But Jesus
wasn't just doing it to be a rebel like a teenager or a lovable rogue as in the movies. In fact, the rules he was breaking were man-made ones,
not scriptural. The Bible simply forbids work on the Sabbath. It was
the interpretation of certain Pharisees that this included healing
others. And like me going to the fallen woman, Jesus broke the rules
because something more important was at stake: the life or health of
another human being. The prohibition about working on the Sabbath was
not arbitrary. Its purpose was to dedicate the day to God. And what
better way to dedicate the day to God than by healing and doing good
to those created in his image?
fact if you look at the rules Jesus is analyzing in our reading from
the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:21-37), you will see that Jesus is not so much
laying them aside as bringing out the essence of each.
instance, Jesus looks at the command prohibiting murder. On the face
of it all it does is say you can't kill someone intentionally. It reminds me of a bit of dialogue in the TV series Firefly where the crew
is mounting a rescue of their captain from the well-armed lair of a
master criminal. And they are surprised to see the preacher on board
arming himself. “Preacher, doesn't the good book say something
against murder?” they ask him. “Yeah,” he admits. “But it is
a might fuzzy about kneecaps.” True. But part of the reason we
laugh is that we know the preacher is splitting hairs and ignoring the deeper teachings
of the Bible. Jesus says that if you are angry at another person or
call him names, “you will be liable to the hell of fire.” In
other words, any enmity is that serious. And if Jesus says the
commandment against murder applies to anger and insults, then we can
assume it also rules out maiming and torture and bullying.
would Jesus make the leap from murder to badmouthing someone? Because
in our anger we often leap the other way, from insults and curses to
violence. In TV mysteries, murder is often meticulously plotted out
and executed in cold blood. But in reality most murders are between
people who know each other or between family members. And it usually starts
with a fiery argument that escalates until one person kills another.
Think of all the police reports that start out with loud voices being
heard by neighbors and end with gunshots being fired. The roots of
murder are in our anger with another and inflamed by our disgust for
one another. Jesus is saying prevent the conflagration before the
fuse is even lit.
is so important that Jesus says it take priority over your duties to
God. If you are about to offer a gift at the altar and you realize
you have an unresolved issue with someone, leave your gift, reconcile
with the person and then offer the gift. Why? As we said last week,
the way you treat others reflects how you treat Jesus. The connection
between these two things is organic.
Jesus looks at adultery and goes deeper, looking at its point of
origin. And it is found in the act of simply looking at the person
and imagining kissing or having sex with them. You plant the
seed of adultery in the mind and then the desires and curiosity they give
birth to will do the rest. Despite what bedroom farces show, nobody
ever accidentally committed adultery. It is intentional. And if
having sexual fantasies about your neighbor's spouse is off-limits, then so are flirting and oversharing and becoming emotionally intimate
with that person. Jesus is simply seeking to prevent the moral and
emotional and financial train wrecks that adultery inevitably leads
comes the only saying of Jesus that even literalists don't take
literally. They don't tear out their eyes or lop off their limbs if
they lead them to do wrong. Even Jesus says that evil comes from within,
not from external things, so obviously he is not talking about
amputating actual body parts or disfiguring ourselves. The rule of
thumb for Bible passages is that if they are not meant to be taken
literally, the imagery is nevertheless meant to point to a spiritual
reality just as powerful. So what is the reality behind Jesus'
hyperbole? That we should be willing to get rid of anything that
leads us astray from God's love, no matter how much it seems a part of us. Those in
recovery have to do this. By the time they are in recovery their
addiction has taken over a lot of their lives. They have to cut out
all that, including the associated habits and even associates who took up
such a large part of their identity. Jesus says if we don't cut these
things loose, they will drag us to hell. Again, those in recovery
know this. They've been to hell. That's why they finally decide to
give up the tempting but terrible things that entangle them. We must
cut ourselves free from the instruments of our self-destruction, like
so much unwanted ballast, if we are to soar.
the same vein, Jesus wants to prevent the collapse of marriages for
trivial reasons. In his day, some rabbis felt a man could divorce his
wife for simply displeasing him. One rabbi said that burning the
toast was sufficient grounds for divorce; another said finding a younger
prettier woman was a good enough reason to divorce your wife. And
divorce could only be initiated by the man. Jesus elsewhere quotes
Genesis 2:24 where it says the man and the woman become one in marriage. Separating the
joined lives through divorce is a surgery so severe that Jesus says
it must only be attempted for the most dire of reasons, like when one half
has already joined itself to another, and not for the kind of trivial
conflicts that all couples must learn to conquer through love.
of vows, Jesus again goes to the root problem of false promises. It's
not a matter of swearing by the right kind of powerful thing; it is a
matter of always being honest. You shouldn't be the kind of person
whom others believe only when a serious oath is made; you should be
the kind of person whom others believe because they can trust your
“Yes” to mean “Yes” and your “No” to mean “No.”
“Anything more than this comes from the evil one,” says Jesus. We
all know people who begin their lies with “Well, if you really want
to know the truth...” or "If I can be frank with you..." If you always tell the truth, you won't need
to preface it with such reassurances.
are all good rules which make sense morally. But we also know that
not everyone observes the rules. Almost everyone cheats a bit—driving
5 miles over the speed limit, taking home a few office supplies on
occasion, playing online games when you should be working, rounding
expenses up for reimbursement, overestimating your charity donations
on tax forms, flirting with a coworker, skipping church for no reason
other than you just want to goof off, etc. And some people really break
the rules, not to save others but just because the rules are
inconvenient for them personally.
tell us what we ought to do; they can't actually make us do them. And
they can't necessarily change a person. I know alcoholics who spend
great swathes of time sober only because they are in jail. As soon as
they get out, they resume drinking, even if it means they will be back in jail by that night. Being made to follow a rule doesn't mean you
will make it a part of your personal life. You have to embrace it.
And if the rule is too difficult, you need help to carry it out.
starting to wonder how much recidivism is due to the fact that we
release inmates from a totally structured environment into the chaos
and overwhelming choices and demands of the modern world with little
or no help. For months or years, all decisions were made for
them—when to wake, when to eat, who to room with, when to shower,
when to go to bed—and then one day, they are left largely to their
own devices. Now you must find a place to stay; you must find a job
that will hire someone with a record; you must get clothes and food
and toiletries and transportation and the money to pay for it all;
you must come up with a structure that will accommodate your work
schedule and your need to see the parole officer at the appointed
time without fail. And if you have spent years or even decades
incarcerated or impaired or alternating between the two, the
difficulty of now learning what people on the outside mastered in
their 20s can be discouraging. Some people need rules and external
structure to function.
need rules because they lack the ability to intuit them naturally. I
recently read Confessions of a Sociopath: A Life Spent Hiding in
Plain Sight by M.E. Thomas. That's a pseudonym for a law
professor who had herself diagnosed in her 20s when her promising
career and significant relationships came crashing down due to her
actions. Like all sociopaths, she cannot empathize with others and
while she is a shrewd observer and good mimic of human behavior, she
really doesn't understand why people do things like make sacrifices
for those they love or refrain from doing the wrong thing when they
stand to benefit from it or not take exciting risks because of
foreseeable negative consequences. She never feels guilt or regret or
fear. She likes clear rules, such as those provided by her Mormon
faith, because they help her stay within the bounds of normal human
behavior, something for which she is morally tone-deaf. (By the way,
only 20% of those in prison are sociopaths. And that's not all the sociopaths there are. Most, like Thomas, are
good enough chameleons to keep out of jail, and even rise to high
positions likes CEOs and politicians and lawyers. Food for thought.)
group of people who need structure and rules are children. Stephen
King observed that children are very conservative. They like
predictability in their life. Very early they pick up on the patterns
their parents model for them and mimic them. Notice that they mimic
actual behavior. If parents wish to have a child obey a rule, they
have to do so themselves. Kids tend to chafe under rules that seem
arbitrary and unfair and which others, like their siblings or
parents, don't obey. Understand that and you'll see that Proverbs 22:6 makes sense:
“Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not
one reason for the vows we have parents and godparents make when we
baptize children. Though the children thereby become citizens of the
Kingdom of God, someone needs to make sure they learn the rules of
the realm. Though we are saved by grace, not works, we nevertheless
need the teaching and examples of others living by grace. You may
have a good singing voice but if you don't get decent vocal training
you can ruin your voice. We have ample evidence that left to
themselves kids do not automatically grow up into good and kind and
productive citizens. They need loving guidance. And in a church made
up of diverse folks committed to following Jesus, children will get
numerous opportunities to learn to love their neighbors of different
ages, races, cultures and perspectives.
you can't confine it to merely 1 hour 1 day a week. Studies show it takes
10,000 hours to master a skill or subject. If you went at it for 40
hours a week, it would take about 5 years. If you only work at it for
one hour a week, it would take 192 years. So it's not enough just to
come to church and learn and practice your faith for one hour. You must
take what you learn home and put it into practice. And since
following Jesus involves every aspect of your life, you're not going
to get everything down in this life, especially in the areas where
you are most tempted to fail. Fortunately you are not in this alone. God
gives us at our baptism his Holy Spirit to help us along. The Spirit
is always there to nudge us, to empower us, to help us pray, to help us
resist temptation, to help us discern and do the right thing, and to help
us to become more faithful, more hopeful, more loving and more
Christlike day by day.
ultimate goal of God is that we become so driven by his love, so
filled with his Spirit, so completely a new creation in Christ that
we will not need rules. As he said in Matthew 5:18, “For truly I
tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one letter, not one
stroke of a letter will pass from the law until all is accomplished,”
But when the old creation passes away, when all is accomplished, that
is, the new creation is unveiled, the law will pass away. We will not
need it. We will be like Jesus, doing good and God's will without
rules, without crib notes, without reminders but out of the goodness
of our new and transformed hearts.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
If You Really Love Me...
told me of hearing a deejay say on radio that “Some people go to
church; I have radio. Some people pray; I have music.” It's a
pretty facile comparison. But I have seen it in fandom. A writer for wrote an article called “How Doctor Who Became my
Religion.” His take was less facile because what he was responding
to are the many parallels the character of the Doctor has with Jesus,
though the writer doesn't say that in so many words. Still the
writers of Doctor Who do not proclaim the character to be real. But
basically what these 2 examples boil down to is that music and Doctor
Who (and we might add other things like nature and athletics and sex)
create strong feelings in people. As does religion. So people make things they are emotional about their religion. But creating emotions is not all religion
does. Religion binds people together. It gives the big things in this
world (life, death, the universe) objective meaning. It gives us a
firm moral code for conducting our lives in relation to God, others
and ourselves. According to hundreds of scientific studies, it
protects the physical and mental health of those who believe and
heals those who are sick or injured. And, yes, it can generate strong
feelings—of peace, of belonging, of purpose and meaning. Those who
aren't religious usually resort to reductionist theories about religion basically giving comfort in
order to understand people who are religious. More alarming is the
fact that there are people who do practice religion, not because it
is true or because it is good for us morally or spiritually, but
chiefly because of how good it makes them feel.
Isaiah's denunciation of his people's religious practices in chapter
58, verses 1-12, he points out that they actually are into worship. He writes,
“ after day they seek me and delight to know my ways, as if
they were a nation that practiced righteousness and did not forsake
the ordinance of their God...” They fast and claim to humble
themselves. But the problem is that they are only following one of
the 2 great commandments, that of “loving” God. They don't love
their neighbors as themselves. Instead, God says, “Look, you serve your own
interest on your fast day, and oppress all your workers. Look, you
fast only to quarrel and to fight and to strike with a wicked fist.”
In other words, they are no different from modern day hypocrites who
make a show of their piety but don't let their supposed reverence for
God extend to those created in his image. We see this in congressmen
who follow up a national prayer breakfast by not using their power to
help the hungry and poor. We see this in religious leaders who preach
God's love but express hatred for Christians of other denominations
or political opinions. I see this in the occasional inmate who
preaches rather authoritatively to me while serving time for assault.
I'm afraid that anti-theists who point out this kind of hypocrisy are
late to the party. God knows this happens. And condemns it.
your aunt, who covers her sofa cushions with plastic, and puts
runners on the carpet, imposes rules upon you while in her home, you
chalk it up to her personal tastes. A lot of people see God's rules
the same way. They think they are arbitrary and created just to
appease God's peculiar obsessions. But since he created the world and
us, God's rules are closer to the manufacturers' instructions you get
with an appliance. Since he loves us, his rules are closer to the
wisdom of a parent who wants only the best for us. Since he is trying
to fix the mess we have made of our world and lives, his rules are
closer to a doctor's orders for his seriously ill patient. And we
live in a very sick world.
before Jesus designated the 2 greatest commandments, rabbis discerned
them in the twin concerns of God's commands: proper treatment of God
and proper treatment of our fellow human beings. In Genesis 9, God
explicitly forbids murder on the basis of the fact that human beings
are created in God's image. The Ten Commandments break down into
those that deal with our relationship with God and those that deal
with our relationships with other people. The prophets are
continually pronouncing God's condemnation on both the people's
idolatry or superficial worship of God and their exploitation and
abuse of the poor. In Jesus' parable of judgment in Matthew 25, the
criteria is how people treated the hungry, thirsty, naked, sick,
imprisoned and immigrants, and the reason given is that how we treat
the unfortunate is how we treat Jesus.
everyone is created in God's image, why does he pay particular
attention to the poor, or more specifically, the widows, the
fatherless and the immigrants? Because few people willingly pick
a fair fight. It is much easier to pick on those who have less power
and resources than you do. So tax cuts for the wealthy is a taboo in
Congress. Not so benefit cuts to folks on food stamps and the
unemployed. In 2013 the construction of 4 C-27J aircraft was
completed at a cost of nearly 76 million dollars each and they were
then immediately scrapped because it was determined that it was
cheaper to finish and junk them than to just stop building them.
Congress is also making the army buy 436 million dollars worth of
Abrams tanks it doesn't want or need because it benefits the
districts of certain Congressmen. Meanwhile, for the more than 1
million injured veterans from our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (we
don't know exactly how many because the Department of Veterans
Affairs has abruptly stopped releasing the figures on non-fatal
casualties) the average wait time for the processing of a disability
claim by that same department has risen to 279 days, an increase of
2000 percent in just 4 years. Why couldn't some of the millions being spent on unwanted weapons go to help sort out the medical problems of wounded vets? Is it because military hardware is more
important than military personnel?
yourself who is less likely to get turned down when asking for more
help: the disabled and the homeless or the millionaire sports team
owner wanting a new stadium built at taxpayer expense? Why? Because
the homeless and disabled don't have money or powerful PACs to run
ads against the politicians who won't support them. The cynical
version of the Golden Rule says it best: those who have the gold make
the rules.
I've pointed out before, the Bible doesn't condemn the rich merely
for being rich. As we see in Psalm 112, it commends those who make wealth by honest hard work
and are generous to those less fortunate. The ones who are judged
harshly are those who are possessed by their possessions like the
rich young ruler who comes to Jesus, or who neglect the sick like the
rich man who has to step over starving, sore-covered Lazarus to get
into his gate, or who are arrogant and have plenty of food, comfort
and ease and yet fail to support the poor and needy like the
inhabitants of Sodom, according to Ezekiel 16.
like sex or fire or anything powerful, can do a lot of good or do a
lot of damage. It can lead to murder, suicide, theft, fraud,
overindulgence, exploitation, an inflated sense of entitlement and
having an influence in society and politics all out of proportion to
one's moral right. On the other hand, wealth can build and fund
hospitals, schools, soup kitchens, clinics, domestic abuse shelters,
scholarships, libraries, homeless shelters, daycare centers, job
training programs, drug treatment centers, literacy programs, and
that we are and have comes from God. Recognition of that fact is
central to Christianity. Acting on that fact is stewardship. Nothing
is ours in the sense that we can do whatever we please with it. We
are to use everything—our talents, time and treasure—as God wants
us to. This is radically different than the way most people view
most people, life is a time to simply enjoy yourself. Things are
evaluated on the basis of furthering that enjoyment. And that even applies
to God. Most people who reject God do so because he gets in the way
of enjoying their lives, at least in the ways they want to. And a
substantial number of people who do seek God do so primarily for
personal enjoyment. They want inner peace, release from guilt, and
sense of spiritual elevation. And God provides those things. But to
try to use God only for those reasons is like chewing up foods only
to get their taste and then spitting them out. Or choosing foods
simply for their tastes. You will lose out on a lot of nutrition and
in the end it will lead to bad health. You can't live
on snacks, desserts and carbonated, caffeinated sugar water. You need
your fruits and vegetables, too.
can't have a healthy spiritual life if you build it around your likes
and what God can do for you. It must include what God asks of you and
marshaling what he has given you for whatever mission he sends you
on. Because life isn't only about enjoying yourself but about getting
better and making the world better. And by “getting better” I
mean as in getting healthy after an illness. We need to recover from
the fever of living self-obsessed lives, from the the dislocation of
putting ourselves in the center of the universe rather than God, from
the delusion of thinking we are or should be in control of what
happens in our lives. And, like a support group, we need to help each
other get better from these spiritual maladies and spread the word so
others can come to Jesus and be healed.
first step of our recovery is the recognition that we must restore
God to the central place in our lives. He must be the hub to which
all the spokes are connected and around which the wheel of life
revolves if we are to make any progress. If we displace him, our
lives become unbalanced and even broken.
we have acknowledged God's place, his lordship over our lives, then
we need to actually obey him. That means being good stewards of what
he's given us. Which means using his gifts to serve God and obey his
commands. Which means loving our neighbors—all of them: rich and
poor, brown and pink, conservative and liberal, immigrant and
American, thin and fat, straight and gay, Christian and Muslim and
Jew and Buddhist and Sikh and Bahai and all the rest.
I'm going too far? Jesus tells us to love our neighbor and then
illustrates that principle with a parable in which the good guy is a
Samaritan, someone who was not considered a theologically correct
Jew. Because you don't have to agree with people on politics or
religion or lifestyle or class or anything else in order to love
them. And you sure can't make anyone better if you hate them. And you
can't get better if you hate anyone.
a reason why even people who say they love and seek God don't obey
him. It's hard! It's much easier to go to church and do the rituals
and say the words than to do the hard work of putting those words
into practice and actually loving our neighbor. In fact, it is
impossible for us human beings. But all things are possible with God
in us. Only through the power of his Spirit can we love others as
ourselves. Or as Jesus loves us, which was Christ's final refinement
of the commandment, one so radical that Jesus called it a new
was it necessary? Because if I merely love my neighbor as I love
myself, well, I can at some point stop loving myself. People do. I
can give up on myself. People do. But Jesus never will. He will never
stop loving us. He will never give up on us. And if we live and love
in the power of his Spirit, we won't either. And only that
never-ending love will make us better and make the world better.
you only read Genesis 1, you would conclude that God loves creating
and loves what he creates. That's still true. So he has set about
recreating what we have ruined, including ourselves. He wants us all
to be new creations in Christ. How can you do your part? Ask
yourself, “Who is my neighbor? What does he need?” Then start
working on how God wants you to do that. Love your neighbor in both
word and deed. “Then your light shall break forth like the dawn,
and your healing shall spring up quickly; your vindicator shall go
before you, the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. Then you
shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry for help, and he
will say, Here I am.”
Friday, February 7, 2014
The Apocrypha Assessment: Judith 2
Nebuchadnezzar, still inaccurately called the king of the Assyrians rather than the Babylonians, sends his general Holofernes to punish the disobedient people in his vast kingdom. He does so much damage that "fear and dread of him" falls upon those yet unconquered.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
The Apocrypha Assessment: Judith 1
Written perhaps 2 centuries before Christ, this is another historical fiction. The original appears to be written in Greek.
Set during the time of the Babylonian ascendancy, Nebuchadnezzar easily defeats those who oppose him, including Arphaxad, who is fictional.
Set during the time of the Babylonian ascendancy, Nebuchadnezzar easily defeats those who oppose him, including Arphaxad, who is fictional.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
The Apocrypha Assessment: Tobit 13-14
Tobit's hymn of praise would not seem out of place in the Psalms or as a poetic passage in the prophets. It just falls sort of those passages poetically, though. The themes of the book--justice and mercy from God--are again stated. Verse 6 prety much sums it all up. There is a lot of praise for Jerusalem for someone who was part of the breakaway northern kingdom of Israel, though.
The last chapter wraps everything up. Tobit dies, but not before he warns his son to flee Nineveh due to the dire prophesies of Nahum. Tobit does a bit of end-time prophesying of his own, looking to the day when Jews and Gentiles together worship the true God. Tobias lives to see the fall of Nineveh and praises God for it. Both he and his dad live to within spitting distance of 120, the Biblical limit to human life.
All in all a pleasant and pious fiction.
The last chapter wraps everything up. Tobit dies, but not before he warns his son to flee Nineveh due to the dire prophesies of Nahum. Tobit does a bit of end-time prophesying of his own, looking to the day when Jews and Gentiles together worship the true God. Tobias lives to see the fall of Nineveh and praises God for it. Both he and his dad live to within spitting distance of 120, the Biblical limit to human life.
All in all a pleasant and pious fiction.
Monday, February 3, 2014
Are You Experienced?
wife and I saw one episode of “Naked and Afraid” and decided it
wasn't really for us. This is one of those “reality” shows where
they put people in a highly unrealistic situation, film them and edit
it to make the whole thing much more dramatic than reality generally
gets. I will say that it doesn't seem like they had to tweak the
action much here. They take a man and a woman and put them into the
wilderness with no clothes but one item each which they select: a
knife or a skillet or something of the sort. It's not really porn
because not only do they blur out the so-called “naughty bits”
but there is nothing sexy about people doing the hard work of getting
food, finding water, building fires, making shelters and getting
increasingly dirty and disheveled over 21 days. The people chosen are
either survival experts or wilderness campers or ex-military. And a
panel of experts rates the victims--excuse me,
“contestants”--according not only to their knowledge but also
their experience. Because it doesn't matter how much you've read
about living off the land if you haven't actually done so. The show
naturally has a film crew and doctors on hand should anyone get
seriously hurt or ill but otherwise they are not to intervene. And
afterward the experts revisit their original ratings of the
contestants and raise or lower them in relation to how well they did
over the 3 week ordeal.
a big fan of book knowledge. Forewarned is definitely forearmed. I
would rather go into a situation knowing what to expect or look for.
That said, as a nurse I have seen how experience in the real world
reveals huge gaps between what the books says you will find and the reality of what you actually
encounter, between what the proper procedure is and how the real world will allow you to do things. How do you do a
dressing change where the patient is writhing in pain? What do you do
when the tape won't stick or won't let go? What about if the patient
is actively fighting you? They never list those problems among the steps in
the texts or show them in the instructional videos. And they
certainly don't tell you how to do it when you have 40 patients and
nowhere near the amount of time to do things properly, not if you are
going to get to all your other patients.
only goes so far. Even Sherlock Holmes got things wrong. If you don't
believe so, read The Adventure of the Yellow Face. Holmes is so far off that he even gives Watson permission to mention the case should the
great detective ever get too full of himself.
is what makes the 12 Step programs so effective. You are meeting with
people who have gone through what you have. They know firsthand what
you're dealing with. They can empathize in a way that those who don't
have an addiction can't. They can also call you on your B.S., such as
when you are trying to pin the blame on others or minimize the
dangers drugs or alcohol hold for you. They've been there, done that.
Let's do some thought experiments. What would you do if your creatures, which you endowed with reason and skill and the ability to make choices, were making bad ones? How would you go about rectifying the situation?
You could tell them what the rules are. In fact, make it one rule, actually, so simple so that it could not be misunderstood. Limit the creatures involved to the smallest number and tell them the rule before they had a chance to even make a mistake. You can see how well the Eden experiment went in Genesis 2-3.
You could start over. Eliminate the creatures that are making things worse, that are violent and disruptive. Take the best specimens and make a new start. And make the rules more explicit, especially about violence. Make an agreement with a big promise of unconditional goodwill on your part. That delete and reboot strategy, featuring Noah, is seen in Genesis 6-9.
You could take one creature, who is most responsive to you, who trusts and obeys you, and decide to work through that creature and its descendants to give them a much fuller understanding of who you are and what you are trying to accomplish through them. The Abraham approach begins in Genesis 12.
If the creatures you've selected get into a very bad situation, you could get them out of it. You could do it in the most obvious way possible. You could then make an agreement with your grateful creatures and include all the rules now necessary for a growing and complex society. Make the consequences of breaking the agreement explicit. Indeed, make the whole thing a bootcamp experience to get the fittest and most responsive creatures you can. This enterprise starts in Exodus 1.
You could also continue to give feedback on the progress of your creatures, passing your message to the creatures most in tune with you so they could pass it on to the others. The prophetic perspective begins in Isaiah and goes to the end of the Old Testament.
But what if your intelligent creatures still make very bad choices, after all you've done to tell them the rules by which your moral universe works? Well, if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.
Let's say you could become one of your creatures. Then you could not only tell them what they are doing wrong but also show them how to do it right. You could step in and heal them mentally and physically and change their viewpoint on everything. And it would be best if you didn't protect yourself from the most adverse effects of their reality so you can show them how to triumph even in the worst of circumstances. And you could even offer to instill some of yourself into those creatures who willingly let you to help them become what you designed them to be. The course correction in Christ encompasses the whole New Testament.
In our passage from Hebrews 2:14-18, the author is teasing out the implications of the incarnation of Christ. For one thing, being flesh and blood, Jesus has experienced all that we have. He knows what it's like to be tired, hungry, thirsty, and in pain. He knows what it's like to work hard, support a widowed parent, endure the mocking of your siblings, and face the disapproval of your hometown. He knows what it is like to have people praise you, vilify you, doubt you, betray you, and kill you. And Hebrews says, “because he himself was tested by what he suffered, he is able to help those who are being tested.”
How can Jesus help us? Well, one advantage that a person who has successfully come through an experience has is that they can tell you what pitfalls to avoid. I used to do this as Production Director when orienting people to the radio station. Especially when it came to the software that we used for running the station and recording ads, weather, promos and the like. You could tell that, unlike our previous software, it was not developed by radio professionals but rather computer programmers who asked what the software was supposed to do and then went about accomplishing that in what, to radio people, seemed like the most perverse way possible. So I had to teach new deejays workarounds that would allow them to get the system to do what they wanted it to do without getting dead air, missing start or kill dates or committing any one of a number of radio faux pas that the software was prone to.
Jesus gives us instructions on how to avoid the pitfalls that a human being following him might fall into. The whole Sermon on the Mount is a series of instructions that say in essence “don't do this; do this instead.” A lot of this has to do with seeing things from God's perspective. For instance, loving your enemy makes no earthly sense except when you look at people as God sees them: created in his image but lost, targets of his redeeming love. The change in perspective is just like that found in an recovering alcoholic or drug addict who has to stop focusing on his urges and start thinking of the normal and better life he can have instead, one that is predicated on not giving in to the craving for his drug of choice. As a matter of fact the AA mantra of “One day at a time” pretty much comes from Jesus' teaching not to worry about tomorrow for each day has its own troubles to which you don't need to add more. (Actually most of the 12 steps come from Christianity.)
Another way a person who has undergone adversity can help someone who is going through it now is by giving them hope that they can survive and come out of it a better person. Michael J. Fox's memoir, “Lucky Man,” does that by chronicling his life with particular focus on his development of Parkinson's disease quite early in his career as well as his alcoholism and his recovery. I love biographies of people who overcome great odds. Jesus did. He was the son of a poor craftsman in an obscure corner of a huge empire. We should no more know his name than we do the names of his next door neighbors. He went up against the powers that be, armed only with words. And they killed him. Yet in 3 ½ brief years he started a movement that would conquer that same empire in 3 centuries, without resorting to violence but using only words and acts of righteousness, mercy and courage.
And of course Jesus achieves the ultimate triumph over adversity by rising from the dead. As the author of Hebrews says, in this way Jesus can “free those who all their lives were held in slavery by the fear of death.” How true that is! How often have people not resisted evil or not done the right thing because of the fear of death? The Nazis were not the majority party when Hitler came to power through a coalition. How was he able to become a dictator? Through fear of death. Hitler learned from Mussolini to send his brownshirts to kill his political opponents. He cowed most Germans into obedience. Only a few, like Dietrich Bonhoffer, had to the courage to stand up to the Reich and tell the truth. They were no longer slaves to the fear of death.
Love is also a strong motive for overcoming the fear of death. That's what makes a hero out of someone like 8 year old Tyler Doohan, who managed to save 6 members of his family from a fire, only to die when he went back into his burning home to try to save his disabled grandfather. Most adults would not have acted so bravely. But he loved his grandfather enough to ignore his instincts and go back into the inferno.
Love for Jesus should lead us also to live lives unhampered by the fear of death. I'm not talking about becoming daredevils or reckless folk but people who will not compromise our love of the truth out of fear for our physical safety.
Finally, one way a person who has triumphed can help others attempting the same is by directly transmitting his experience to them. Today you can skydive despite lacking the hours of experience one would normally need to do so safely. It's called a tandem jump. You are strapped to an experienced skydiver. He watches the altimeter. He stabilizes your free fall. He pulls the ripcord. You just enjoy, if that's the right word, plummeting from a height of more than 2 miles above the earth at more than 100 miles an hour. It's scary but it's a lot safer than jumping solo.
Jesus can do that, go with us through whatever befalls us, not by being tied to us but by being in us. To me the guidance of his Spirit is not so much like being talked through an experience as being nudged in certain directions and having things pointed out to you and ideas popping into your head that turn out to be the right things to do, despite the fact that you're scared and clueless. Afterward you think, “Where did all that come from? That certainly didn't come from me!”
In Hebrews 4:15, the author writes, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weakness, but we have one who in every respect has been tested as we are, yet without sin.” All the temptations, pains and sufferings we experience Jesus has as well but he did not succumb. Some may grumble that he would be more useful to us if he had sinned and knew what it was like to fall. Really? Being in a car wreck doesn't necessarily make you a better driver. Nearly drowning doesn't make you a lifeguard.
Gavin de Becker's mother was an unstable heroin addict. She shot his step-father in front of Gavin and his little sister. When he tells his story in prison, the inmates recognize that his family was as dysfunctional as theirs. Then they ask him why they ended up where they are while de Becker heads a private security firm that provides threat assessments to companies, celebrities and the U.S. government. People who undergo the same experiences can learn quite different lessons from them. De Becker says it was what he chose to do with his experience of abuse and the threat of violence. Instead of becoming an abuser or a victim, the usual outcome of such a childhood, he has become a leading expert on the prediction and management of violence.
I can tell you from experience that inmates don't always have the best insight into themselves. The need to justify themselves can cloud objective assessment of why they do what they do. Often the best judge of what should be done in difficult conditions is one who is close to the situation but not embroiled in it.
Because we have a sympathetic but uncompromised savior, the writer of Hebrews says, “Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” It is the grace of God in Christ that allows us not just to survive but to thrive in times that threaten to break us. God's grace, his unreserved, undeserved goodness toward us, enables us to see the temporary setbacks of this world as trivial compared to the spiritual gains we make. After all, it is only by that perspective that we can see the cross not as a symbol of the direst defeat but as an unfathomable victory over degradation, despair and death. Jesus should have stayed in the tomb...but he didn't. Because of that, the disciples who should have stayed hidden and silent about Jesus came out into the world proclaiming his resurrection and his Lordship over all. And with their fear of death disarmed, the world could not shut them up. They fearlessly faced the sword, the club, the spear, the arrows, the flames and even the cross, knowing that Jesus would help them through it, that he would never leave them or forsake them, and that, in the words of Paul, “to live is Christ and to die is to gain.”
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